Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University,

Al-Imaam University
Ar-Riyaadh, Saudi ‘Arabia

In the Name of Allaah, the All-Merciful…


Al-Imaam Muhammad bin Su’ood Islaamic University, or Al-Imaam University for short, opened with two colleges, the College of ‘Arabic Studies and the College of Islaamic Law in 1953 in Ar-Riyaadh. Since then, many colleges have been added, as well as branches in other cities. Similar to Al-Madeenah and Umm Al-Quraa, non-‘Arabic speakers have a chance to learn ‘Arabic here from the beginning in an ‘Arabic Language Institute designed specifically for them. They can then continue their studies in ‘Arabic or seek admission to one of the colleges.


To be considered for admission, applicants must be 25 years old or younger with a high school diploma (at least 80% average or better). Their application must include photographs, copies of passport, birth and health certifictes, high school transcripts and a copy of the diploma, all verified by the Saudi Embassy of their country. Also required are letters of recommendation from known Islaamic organizations or personalities


The school provides the students with a monthly salary of SR 845 (about $225), a round-trip plane ticket yearly, discounted meals, and free housing (for single students only). A single student should bring about $1,000 to get by initially. After that, the monthly salary is sufficient for single students living in the dormitory. Married students who have children should expect their living expenses to be $6,000 to $12,000 yearly, depending on their standard of living, number of children, etc.


We do not currently have an application available for downloading. Howeve you can write the school to request an application:

Imam Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University (IMIU)
P.O. Box 5701
Riyaadh 11432
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Or you can call them at:
(01) 258-0000 (from America dial 011-966 first)

Or fax them at:
(01) 259-0271

Or contact a student at the university for additional information at

For more information, please visit:



– Imam Universities official webpage: Arabic| English

Wassalaam o alaykum and all the best to see you succeed

78 Responses to “Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University,”

  1. matano Ali Mwafrika Says:

    I applied for studying last year but i have not received the results,i am requesting you to send me the feed back Assalaam Alaikum

  2. Assalaam Alaikum i am requesting for the results of all the foreign students who applied last year 2009

    • Jemeela binth Aliwaffa Says:

      Assalamu Alaikum! I am very pleased to hear from you regarding our enrollmet for the year 2011 . We already have sent all relevant documents which we have been requested. We sent these documents through Jammiyathul Shabab of Sri Lanka. We are sri Lankan female students , eagerly looking forward the holy recruitment of your esteem and reputed university. Please , sake of Allah Almighty respond us as a favourable. Wassalam. Jemeela binth aliwaffa. sri lanka.

  3. Assalaam Alaikum i want you to send me the accepted students’ list 2010-2011 for Africa(East Africa-Kenya) please Assalaam Alaikum.

  4. Zean Jonson Says:

    Assalamu alaikum, Alhumdulilah thanks for putting the results on your site, I have been accepted , alhumdulilah however I have been waiting for the visa numbers to be posted they say 45 days prior to study which would of been about a week ago ,could you please tell me the procedure for someone who is accepted , I am actually from Australia but I am not living in Australia , thank you

  5. bonjour monsieur le directeur j ai l honneur devenir tres respectueusement aupres des votres haute personnalite sollicite une demande de inscription danns votre university islamic de imiu parmis vos l eleves incha allah je vaie vous envoye un dossier de mat candidature directeur je suis de nationalite centrafricaine meilleur respets a vous dans l attente d une suite favorable pour le considerations merci

  6. bonjour monsieur le directeur j ai l honneur devenir tres respectueusement aupres des votres haute personnalite sollicite une demande de inscription danns votre university islamic de imiu parmis vos l eleves incha allah je vaie vous envoye un dossier de mat candidature directeur je suis de nationalite centrafricaine meilleur respets a vous dans l attente d une suite favorable pour le considerations merci si vous voulaiz me repondre par email

  7. Alhaji Mohammad Alfa Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum.
    I want you to Send me my admission Letter to enable me to do my registeration. Thanks
    Yours Faithfully.

    • Wa ‘alaykum Assalaam,

      I have no link with the uni…

      Try contacting the uni directly and speaking to them on:

      Tel: (01) 258-0000 (from America dial 011-966 first)

      Sorry for the delayed response…

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum,


  8. Mustapha manjang Says:

    Waa salamu alaykum,i am making enquiries for my brother who complete high school and i want 2010/11 admission.hope am not late?

  9. Assalamu Aleykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

    Please can anybody help me, Inshallah. Can I apply online to the “Imam Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University”(as to the Medina University) or I must take them to the Saudi embassy? If it´s possible (online) help me with the university website because I didnt find anything

  10. Jemeela binth Aliwaffa Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum.Please be kind enough to send me the selected list of the srilankan female students for the academic year 2011. I am eagerly looking forward the favourable response from you. For the Sake of Alllah Almighty , enable me to know the result soon as possible. Jezakallah Khairan. Jemeela binth Aliwaffa.

  11. Jemeela binth Aliwaffa Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum! When could I obtain my response for three of my emails which I have sent to you. Jemeel binth Aliwaffa from sri lanka. Jezakallahu Khairan.

  12. @ Jemeela binth Aliwaffa.

    1) This is not the official website of the uni.

    2) The list for 2011 will be starting in around september time (Shawwaal 1432), so the list will not be published untill like Shabaan/Ramadhaan 1432 time…

  13. Jemeela binth Aliwaffa Says:

    Jezakkallahu Khairan for your earlly response. by Jemeela bith Aliwaffa. of sri lanka.

  14. ali yusuf omar adan Says:

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    imam mohammad bin saud islamic university
    قسم القبول والتسجيل.
    الموضوع:طلب قبول التحاق بالجامعة.
    اولا:السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.وبعد:
    انا الطالب/على يوسف عمر المولود فى بيدوا من ضمن الطلاب الذين تخرجومن مدرسة الفرقان الثانوية للعام الدراسى 2008/2009 ,ولى رغبة للمزيد من التعليم والتحاق دراسى الجامعة. ولذا,الرجاء من سماحتكم ان تقبلو طلبى هذا وهو التحاق جامعتكم المحمودة اضافة الى ذاللك اننى طالب حسن سيرة والاخلاق ومطيعا لاساتذة.
    وتقبلو منى هذا الطلب قبولا فائقا للاحترام
    الطالب/على يوسف عمر

  15. would you like to inform me about “diplom khos”,i was graduated from “diplom ‘aam” Imam Muhammad Ibnu Saud Jakarta Indonesia…I should like to apply my self to continu my study to “diplom khos” or any Qism available for me….syukron ‘ala ijaabatikum….

  16. ana khirrij min qismid diblumil ‘aam fi jaami’atil Imam Muhammad Bin Saud University Jakarta Indonesia…Uriidu an uwashilad diraasat ila jaamiatikum li qismid dibluumil ayyi qismin yuthobiqu lii..anal aan mudarrisud diinil islaami wal arabiyyah bi ihdal madaaris al hukumiyyah fi jawal wushtho..samahaniyalloh walau samahtum an tukhbironi…kaifiyyah li hadzihil ghooyah syukron jaziilaan….

  17. Jemar Hassan Maing Says:

    Assalamualaykum warah matallah hiwabarakatuhu,i would like to ask my visa when its expired,you issued me a MOWAFAKA last JANUARY 15,i am yet in Jordan that time studying,then i go home in Philippine last JANUARY 21,2011,when i arrived in Philippine quickly take the required documents,when i’m complete already, i take a medical,then after the result i bring it to the agency where to assist my paper.Then the agency when they encode my paper for processing in SAUDI EMBASSY,they told me that my passport is need toRENEW it,because 5 months more before the expiration so the SAUDI EMBASSY reject it.SIR I JUST WANT TO KNOW IF MY VISA NOT YET EXPIRED BECAUSE IN OUR COUNTRY THE RENEWING OF PASSPORT WILL TAKE TIME.I NEED MORE 15 DAYS TO WAIT TILL MY NEW PASSPORT WILL COME OUT,( THIS MY VISA # 7000-9799-07 JEMAR HASSAN MAING.THAHK YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS.ZAZAKUMULLAH KHAIRA…..


    Assalaam Alaykum i want you to send me the accepted students list 2010-2011 for Africa [west Africa, Nigeria] jazakhallahu khairan.


    Assalamualaykum please i want to you to send me the accepted students for Africa, west Africa Nigeria zakakhallahu khairan wasalamualaikum.


    Assalamualaikum please and please i am eagerly to see the accepted list for Africa [ west Africa Nigeria] for the sake of Allah Almighty, enable me to know the result as soon as possible jazakhallahu khairan wasamualaikum Ibrahim Abduullahi from Nigeria.

  21. hamidu swai Says:

    hw to apply online to islamic universities if am fresh from university? help me brothers

  22. Dilwar Khan Says:


    I am currently residing in Pakistan. I am Alhamdulillah a Hafiz-e-Quran and recently completed the “Dars-e-Nizami” from Wafaqual-Madaris-Al-Arabia Pakistan and “Iftaah-fil-fiqh” from Jamia Anwar-ul-Quran Karachi. I have also authored a book by the name of “Lives of 100 Slave Jurisprudent’s”. I will like to come to Imam Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University and do my PhD in Ilm-Hadees. Kindly help me with the admission process and explain to me the procedure to gain admission at the prestigious Institute. If you can please also send me admissions form at the following address. 424, Street no 33, I-10/4, Islamabad Pakistan

    I looking forward to you reply.


    Mufti Dilawar Khan
    Cell: +92 333 895 2382
    mail personal:
    skype: lynx.hanan

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      Bro all the info you need is at the top of this page in the original post…

      If you have any further questions, which I have not discussed in the post, feel free to ask…

  23. assalamu alaikum i have been apply my document during hajj season this year nd last year without result,this year, i hope to see my name insha allah, but i saw there western list with not there african list allahumma taqabbal minnah?

  24. Md zakir Says:

    Assalm alaikum sir my name is md zakir from India,
    sir i have sent all the document for he admission for 2011 just inform me sir i am selected or not.

  25. Assalam-o-Alaikum,
    please, can any1 tell me from where i can download the latest application form for year 2011. please any Muslim help me out. Thanks

  26. Ali Mustafa Says:


    I am Ali Mustafa from tanzania. I was a shiite. I was seeking to know how can i apply for studies in the Jameah Imam Muhamad from my country (Tanzania-East Africa).


  27. Assalam – o- Alaikum,
    Sir can u please tell me the link to download latest imam university application form for year 2011??



  30. abdulrahman amlih Says:

    Assalaamu alaykum..

    Actually i’m from Philippines, i just want to know what are the requirements needed or qualifications before enrollment there at Imam university.. what are the procedures needed also.. hope you can answer me and help to get there, inshaa allaah…

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      All the info needed is on the top of the page… In short, you must be under 25, have a few tazkiyahs, have good grades in your high school, and be able to provide all the required docs they ask for. read the above article for more info (its all there)…

      • Abdulrahman Amlih Says:

        where can i send my requirements via email? is there a course arabic language for non-arabic speaker like me? can u give the website and where can i send my documents?

        • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

          1) Allaahu ‘alam if they have started their online procedure yet. I don’t think its up and running yet, so you would need to send it via mail.

          2) yes there is a two year course where you learn to speak Arabic.

          • abdulrahman amlih Says:


            What are the other subjects aside from learning arabic offered in shuhbatul lughatul arabiyyah?

  31. abdulrahman amlih Says:

    Assalaamu Alaykum..

  32. Ibn_mohammad Says:

    Salaam walaykum,

    When is the deadline to apply for year 2012/2013?

    JazakAllahoe gayran

    • Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

      There is no specific deadline, they just keep filing up till no spaces are left, then all the rest of the application forms they get from that date onwards they put in the pile for the coming year. This is usually around Muharram time, however it can differ a little here and there.

  33. Asalaamu Alaykum
    Do you know when the university will release a list of the applicants accepted for Fall entry 2012?? I’ve applied and a brother at the uni has told me i’ve been accepted but at the moment I have no way of confirming this. My name’s Muslim Stevenson.
    Akhookum Fillah

  34. Muslim Stevenson Says:

    Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu,

    Here are the names of accepted students for Jamiah Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University (Riyadh)-2012-2013.

    • Ibn_mohammad Says:

      Salaam walaykum,

      Do you also got the list for the other European countries?

      JazakAllahu gayran

  35. Salam alaikum,ya akhi..I am from india..And want to get admission in imam muhammad bin saud university…Or king saud university,riyadh.Plz,tell me..From where i get application form …Can i apply online??.I am worried about getting NOC(No objection certifct/letter)…Plz,tell me the process of getting This from.
    Brother,i had applied in islamic universty madina..On 9 january 2012,successfully…Without any mistake.And got application number…But still it tells that your amentment period not expire..While no mistake in filling form,uploading docments etc..Plz,reply as soon as possible.Wassalam.

  36. Abdulrahman Amlih Says:

    Assalaamu Alaykum.. I would like to ask if when will they start to accept applicanta for theyear 2013-2014? And also can i ask my father from Riyadh to follow up my application forms? Jazakallahu khayran akhiy..

  37. mukhtar muhammad Abdullahi Says:

    i am student in my contry i want joyn my study in your unversity i was graduwet my sacodary in nageria in kano state. then i can speek arabic lang. my Allah gayd u and protact 2 u.

  38. mukhtar muhammad Abdullahi Says:


  39. AssalamuAlaykum WarahMatullahiWabarakatu,
    I am Hassanal Ibrahim Sampao a highschool graduate in manila philippines 17 years old , I’m interested to continue my study through your scholarship program. Any of your branches in asian countries kindy send me a application form. Thank you and Wassalam.

  40. ablhakeem zayd Says:

    i wish to enrol in to the school insha allah.

  41. i want to enrool.

  42. mountainofknowledge Says:

    Assalamu alaykum, Application Form for Imam Muhammad bin Saood University, Riyadh, KSA. .

  43. assalamu alaikum how to apply on imam mohamed bin saud univercity

  44. aslam aleykum

    how to apply imam mohamed bin saud please

  45. Amina sadiq abdulhadi Says:

    For a very long time I’ve bin looking for a school I can study the way the prophet (SAW) conveyed the religion to his followers, it wil be a grate honor and privilege if I can study in any of the universities at Saudi Arabia. I want to no all Islamic rulings in our day to day activities.

  46. abdallah muhammad yakubu mutawakil Says:

    assalaamu alaykum please when will the list of accepted sthdents to imam universify for the acadamic year 2013/2014 is going to be posted? wassalaam.

  47. Assalaamu alaykum,

    Do you know when the acceptance list for 2013/2014 will come out ?

  48. Does the application form need to be completed in Arabic? and is there any official English version for non-Arabic speakers?

  49. salam aleykum i am from azerbaijan i want to know when Imam University in Riyad will announce list of Accepted Students at Imam University in Riyadh for the year 2013-2014?

  50. Assalamu’alaikum Akhi, how do I get no objection letter from the united states government. I read the blog on but I think that procedure is old. May Allah reeward you

  51. assalama alakum
    i have been accepted at imam unversity for the semester 2 2014/2015 academic year. i want to know when will this semester begin.

  52. shahid urehman Says:

    I want to get admission in this university

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