Opportunities For Sisters To Study The Deen / Live In Saudi Arabia

Opportunities For Sisters To Study The Deen / Live In Saudi Arabia

***Please note that I have no contact/link with the universities. Please do not provide your e-mail address, telephone number or any other personal details. I am just a brother who has collected/gathered this information together so as to help those who wish to study the deen in an Islamic University by providing some information. Again, please do not provide any contact details to myself. Jazaak-Illaahu khaira.***

Also, when asking me a question, please keep speech to a minimum. No ‘lol’, no smiley faces, no excessive talking etc.  I’m a brother just like any other brother…  (Jazaak illaahu khaira) Excessive speech will be edited/deleted.

To proceed;

There are a few ways in which a sister can study the deen / live in Saudi Arabia. One way is by applying directly to the respected universities (if you already have a mahram there in saudi). For those who do not have any mahrams in saudi, then another way is to get your mahram (husband, brother, father, father-in-law, son etc.) to apply along with you. And finally, to live in Saudi can be done by your mahram (husband only) calling you over once he has his own place and is working there in the Kingdom.

I will discuss these below:

Studying The Deen In Saudi

Saudi has four main universities where the deen is taught at a high level.

– Islamic University of Madinah, (Madinah, Saudi Arabia)

– Umm Al-Qura University (Makkah, Saudi Arabia)

– Imam University (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)

– Daar Al-Hadith (al-Khayriyyah) (Makkah, Saudi Arabia)

UPDATE: A full list of the Saudi Government Universities can be found on this page. Masha-Allaah there’s quite a lot of Universities in the Kingdom…

– Madinah University:

As for Madinah University, then there are no courses for sisters. Madinah University only caters for brothers and brothers only.

UPDATE: Madinah University May be planning to extend their University to also accept female students. They are making progress in terms of the sisters’ facilities, and we may see something more concrete next year – and Allah knows best. Not only does this open the door to sisters who want to apply, but also could potentially make it much easier for married students.

UPDATE: (31/03/10) With regards to sisters studying the deen in saudi while their husbands are students in Madeenah uni, the following can be considered:

There are women teachers of course, but the male scholars have the most famous halaqaat (in Masjid Un-Nabawi), and they also teach the sisters.

There are basically two main types of women’s teaching which is done by men.

* At the Masjid An-Nabawi, the audio is transferred from the shaykh’s microphone and broadcast into a certain area of the women’s section (which is completely separate, unlike Makkah, which is partially separate). The women who want to learn from that shaykh sit in that certain place, so that they can hear the audio.

* In the Islamic institutions, colleges, etc. – They teach via one way video link, and the sisters have an audio link and a classroom assistant who manages the whole thing. The shaykh can hear their questions, but can’t see them, and they can both see and hear the shaykh. The classroom assistant is a woman who makes sure they all behave themselves. There is an amazing 3 year course which is taught in this manner by some of the major scholars in Madinah.

I know there are women who teach as well, and I’m sure there are some prominent people of knowledge amongst them, but they don’t have a really open role, and the major halaqaat are still taught by the male scholars.

Allah knows best.

So if sisters can learn the Arabic language (which can also be done while they are there in Madeenah via private tuition) they can then “attend” the halaqahs by the noble shaykhs at Masjid An-Nabawi.

– Umm Al-Qura University:

As for Umm Al-Qura University, then sisters can apply here as they do cater for sisters. Sisters would, however, need to apply with their mahram or already have a mahram living in Makkah throughout her time there. Unlike the other three universities, Umm Al-Qura is not solely an Islamic University, it is just like any other university in Saudi Arabia, however one of its departments/faculties is Islamic Studies. The Arabic program is for two years and all classes maintain an Islamic environment where sisters can relax with their hijaab.

Like all universities listed above (excluding Daar Al-Hadith), the university pays it’s student a monthly stipend of roughly SR. 845 and also provides free hostels (accommodation) for it’s students. If a sister is there with her husband and wishes to live with him, then they can do so at their own expenditure, which will obviously be away from the main batch of hostels. If she wishes to stay in the universities hostel (which may be the case if she is there with her brother) then accommodation is free.

The tuition is likewise free, irrespective of where she stays. The students also get one free round-trip air ticket every summer holiday.

For more information, please visit this page.

– Imam University:

As for Imam University, then this also caters for sisters.

Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University does have a women’s section, unlike the Islamic University of Madinah which is a male-only University, but this section of the University does not offer scholarships to foreign women to study. The Arab women that do attend are either housed in their own dorms or remain with family members living in Riyadh.

* * *Awaiting for more info* * *

– Daar Al-Hadith:

As for Daar Al-Hadith, then unlike the above mentioned three universities this is not governmentally run. It also doesnt have a Arabic program which means students must already be fluent in Arabic. It only caters for sisters who are residing legally in Makkah, Saudi ‘Arabia, and show proof for their legal residence.

Best Option:

The best option for sisters would be to apply along with their mahrams to Umm Al-Qura University. However, if sisters wish to live in Saudi, then things are a bit different. Below is the information regarding that.

Living In Saudi

As for living in Saudi Arabia, then this seems to be a more easier option for sisters than it is for brothers. Brothers wishing to live in Saudi usually go on a teaching course (usually a TEFL or a CELTA) and apply for a job in Saudi Arabia. Sisters however can simply get their husbands to apply and then go over with them.

A Sister can likewise apply to a TEFL or CELTA course depending on her circumstance. As for a married sister, than it is better for her to get her husband to apply on one of the english teaching courses. Once he has passed the course, he can apply for a job in Saudi Arabia and call her over. If I’m not mistaken, she can go with him to live in Saudi Arabia from day one (unlike if her husband applies to one of the Saudi Universities and gets accepted, as this way he will have to apply once he is there, and this could be very difficult).

If her husband gets a teaching job in Saudi Arabia (and they’re in need of english teacher all the time), then usually, she needs to either be a nurse/doctor or a teacher for her to go in the Kingdom as well. Hence the reason why it is good for a sister wishing to live in Saudi to do a teaching course.

Those with a degree:

If the sister has a degree (in any subject) then a normal TEFL course is sufficient for her. These courses are usually run over a period of four weeks and further involve about 60 hours extra working at home (depending on the package you choose). This page has many institutes here in the UK which teach one to become a qualified english teacher. The best one I have found so far is this one. If you sign up to their newsletters (which I advice), then you will get special discounts on the courses. Do not be easily tricked by the “10 days left for the special discount” emails you will recieve, because they keep on having different discounts, so take your time.

Those without a degree:

For those who do not have a degree, then the best option is for you to do a CELTA course. A CELTA course is longer than the TEFL courses, however this is your option if you do not have a degree. This site and this site are two very good sites to help you in the CELTA route. In the first link, the brother has kindly uploaded all his assignments and notes for the CELTA course. The notes are, however, in a “.docx” file extension, so depending on your processor/software it may or may not open. Though I have asked the brother to re-upload them in the normal “.doc” file extensions.

Once you’re in:

Once you are in saudi, then there are several courses which sisters can enroll in – providing they get themselves a residency permit. For example in Madinah, there are some Arabic language courses for sisters who are resident here, provided by charities which operate independently of the university. Some of these courses are restricted to student’s wives only, but some of them are more flexible. Then there are some excellent courses for Arabic speaking sisters, which cover 2-3 years of quality Islamic education – not to mention the open classes by the senior scholars in Madinah.

Learning Arabic

As mentioned above there are ways to learn arabic in Saudi Arabia, however for ones own personal benefit it is best to start now. Please see the following pages:

MadinahArabic (This is very similar to the Madinah Arabic Book taught at the Islamic Universities in Saudi Arabia)

– Solutions (answers) to Madinah Arabic Book 1

– Solutions (answers) to Madinah Arabic Book 2

– Solutions (answers) to Madinah Arabic Book 3

Vocabulary Bank (from al words in Madinah Arabic Book 1) and finally:

The big package (Literally has everything you need!)

Some other sites you may find helpful:

Kalamullah (Arabic Section)

Tayyibun (They also have Arabic courses)

Iqtoronto (The complete video set of all three books!)

I hope this has helped, wassalaam o alaykum

226 Responses to “Opportunities For Sisters To Study The Deen / Live In Saudi Arabia”

  1. May Allah reward you. Ameen

    • Hamisi Jumanne Said Says:

      Asalaam ………)my name is Hamisi Jumanne Said
      from Tanzania i want to came in your university /college
      pelease give me application forum
      also how much fees per year please,please help me

    • Mensen, ik nu vond een goede online vertaler httphttp://nl.opentran.net/nederlands-duits. Ik hoop dat hij iemand is nuttig.

  2. Hamisi Jumanne Said Says:

    hamisi from Tanzania contact us +————
    or email: —@—.—
    im wait aswer

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      Firstly, I just wish to clarify that I have no link with the Universities.

      You can contact the University directly (I’m guessing you’re refering to Umm Al-Qura University as that is the easiest option for sisters) by phone, e-mail or fax. However a response may take some time.


      Phone / fax: (011 from U.S.) 966 2 556 2525

      E-mail: arabic@uqu.edu.sa

      Or you may contact a student currently enrolled at the university, using one of the following emails:

      Regarding the Arabic Language Institute:

      WOMEN ONLY: UQU-arabic-women@bakkah.net

      Regarding the Islamic colleges (BA level):

      WOMEN ONLY: UQU-women@bakkah.net

      As for the fee, then there is no tuition fee for the university. Each student is payed a stipend (a bit like a grant) by the University itself of SR 840. This however usually takes a few months, so student should bring some money with tem for the initial period until stipends are paid.

      Also, there are some plans to extend Madinah University to also accept female students. I will update this post as of when information comes…

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum

      • Zaara Binte Muhammad Says:

        Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa baraka tuhu. Brother i live in UK but i am not british citizen, and i have no Mahram here. I have alhamdu LeeLaah been guided back to Islam; and now i want to learn this Deen of mine, preferably in Saudi Arabia. How would you advice me to go about this?
        JazakaAllahu Khayr.

        • Assalam alaikum, I’m Humaira(Varsha) and I have converted Islam after deep study of all the religion. I offer namaz, keep fast all the ritual things iam doing and also I have done MA in Islamic studies. But I wanna do more like wanna learn Arabic, Urdu and do Mpl Phil or PhD in same subjects so that I can serve for islam . pls help me in getting admission in Madina university and tell me the procedure. Pls mail me or cont me this no 8802180608, vsnai92@gmail.com will eagerly waiting for your reply. Shukran..

  3. Asal Al Tamimi Says:

    Salam Alaikum

    This is sooo helpfull, shukran for you effort to help sisers who wish to do this, I have been trying to get this infomation for a while, so thank you again.

    Jazakallahu Khairan

    Salam Alaikum

  4. Aysha Akram Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum What about the requiring age? Can a girl of 18 years old follow this course?

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      Yes, a sister at 18 can get accepted into Umm Al-Qura.

      18 is a very good age at which to apply…

      A bro I know got accepted and I believe he is about 17/18 or something. He got accepted into Madinah Uni applying the first time. May Allaah keep him steadfast, ameen.

      The younger you are the better, as there are many people applying (Madinah Uni gets about 300 application forms (from the west) yearly, out of which they accept 10-15 students from the west). So again, the younger you are, the more qur’aan you have memorized, the more tazkiyah’s you get (from KNOWN shaykhs) the better and more chances of you getting accepted.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum

      • Sister.In.Islam Says:

        Assalaamu Alayum Sister i live in The UK am 17 and i want apply for Umm Al-Qura inshAllah, could you help me plz , May Allah help you

    • shafiya Says:

      can you please give me to a information about that..??

  5. Dear Brother
    Peace and blessings upon you

    Indeed this is an excellent website .. Please try to disseminate it..
    I need its download version of xlms file so that i can include it in my site

    Videos: New Muslims

    my email is muqeemz@gmail.com
    Shukran jazeela

  6. In my opinion, most of the groups and individuals claiming pro-Mulsim, pro-Islam are not using their efforts, energies, strategies and wealth to sending basic messages of Islamic faith and teachings through writing, meeting, voice and integrating to Westerners /Christians/Hindus but wove to dominate, jihad, harass (direct or indirect). The best strategy is to train in Islamic dawah, character, knowledge and simultaneously call for dawah one-to-one and one-many methods very humbly, honestly in order to seek God’s will only and solely and also NOT breaking the laws of the host countries. Muslim should call Muslims fellow to shoe best human character as Muslim and strong in character. I am also against some sort of ” Irrelevant Intellectual Exercises” to prove themselves philosophers or sodo-intellectual type. the tends also create confusion among the youngsters. Because non-directional intellectual exercises . The Dawa is only and solely way to salvation in this world and life after life all other paths are vague.

    May Allah guide us to serve Him and show us to ways of calling humanity towards its creater.



  7. A.Siddeeqa Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum.What about the sisters who are unmarried and have no mahrams living in Saudi Arabia?

    • Wa ‘alaykum ussalaam wa rahmat-Ullaah,

      “Female applicants must present proof of a male family member currently living in Makkah, if they are not applying along with their spouse or brother.”

      So an unmarried sister can apply along with her brother insha-Allaah… This is her road to get into Umm Al-Qura.

      May Allaah guide us all, ameen.

      Wassalaam o ‘alaykum


      • Salam Alaikum.. I live in London and would like to study in Saudi Arabia however, I don’t have a mahram that would come along with me.. Is there any chances of me getting accepted????

        • Wassalaamu ‘alaykum,

          Having a mahram is one of the conditions… Without a mahram it is practically imposible. Maybe encouraging your brother or spouse to find work there could be the next solution.

      • Ukht e Zain Says:

        Asslamu-alaikum I live in Saudi Arabia with my hubby on family visa & want to do m.Phil in Islamic studies what’ll u suggest me plz ?

  8. Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu.Can you please clarify the procedures to get enrolled? When is the closing date?

    • Wa ‘alaykum assalaam wa rahmat-Ullaahi wa barakaatuh,

      With regards to Umm Al-Qura University:

      To be considered for admission at Umm al-Qura University, applicants should be:

      -25 years old or younger

      -have a high school diploma and generally good grades (80% or higher).

      Their application must include:

      -photographs (I believe it’s 6 they need),

      -copies of passport,

      -birth certificate

      -health certificate,

      -high school transcripts and a copy of the diploma,

      -letters of recommendation from known Islamic organizations or personalities,

      -a 75-word essay about their goals for studying Arabic,

      -female applicants must present proof of a male family member currently living in Makkah, if they are not applying along with their spouse or brother.”

      All verified by the Saudi Embassy of their country (Usually they scratch this one until you get accepted)

      All documents should either be in English or Arabic and should be photocopies, do not send your originals.

      As for the closing date; then the university operates on a first come first served basis. There is no official closing date, so once they have accepted all the students for that specific year, then all NEW applications coming in would be considered for the coming year.

      Allaahu ‘alam when exactly the list gets filled, as for Madinah university, then the list is usually completed around Rabi Al-Awwal (3rd month). The best time to apply would be Ramadhaan/Shawaal time.

      You can download the application form for Umm Al-Qura University here.

      For more information please visit this page.

      May Allaah make it easy for all, ameen.

      Wassalaam o alaykum

      • Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah brother!
        As I don’t have any mehram there in Saudi Arabia. Can you tell me of any other university where I can study Islamic studies without a mehram ?

  9. MaashaaAllaah.. some really helpful information. May Allaah reward you for your efforts aameen.

    May Allaah Make it easy for us Ameen Ya Rabb!

  10. Farzana Says:

    is there any age limit to apply ?

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      To be considered for admission at Umm al-Qura University, applicants should be 25 years old or younger.

      However, exceptions may be considered. Please read the question and answer below:

      QUESTION: I’m over 25 years old. Is it possible for me to be accepted?

      ANSWER: For those under 30, It is still possible in shaa’ Allaah, however not meeting one or more of the conditions of acceptance, like age, makes it very unlikely that you would be accepted. For those over 30, it is highly unlikely that you would be accepted without connections in the university. However, it would not hurt to submit your application even if you do not meet some of the conditions.

      Statistically, older students do not stay – they have family members to look after, businesses, positions in communities, health problems, and it is difficult to return to the classroom atmosphere after being away from it for so many years. Our brothers in the administration have a budget to look after and they are responsible for their decisions. You yourself would probably set an age limit if you worked in the same position and Allaah knows best. By no means are they saying those over 30 are not fit to study Islaam, rather they are simply making decisions about who receives their scholarships.

      Source: http://bakkah.net/studying/uqufaqs.htm

      [End quote]

      However it seems that the majority of universities listed above are now reducing their age limit to 23 instead of 25. However the above Q&A still applies…

      I hope this has answered the question.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum

  11. muhajjirah Says:

    asalaamalaikumwarahmat ALLAH wabarakatu:

    living in madinah now alhamdulilah so i have a few things to add: once women get here there are lots of halaqas going on throughout the city in homes for knowledge in english too. mashaAllah lots of western expats here alhamdulilah. i dont suggest that anyone places high hopes of listening to the scholars of masjid an-nabi in the women’s section because it is quite difficult to listen to because of the noise factor. it is set up in the women w/children’s section which makes it challenging to hear. however there is always a muftiya there who is available to answer questions and there are Quran circles throughout. these circles require registration (no fee) and the best time to attend them is certainly in the mornings when the crowds aren’t so overwhelming. there is also a library section in the masjid mashaAllah where there are books and tables for self-study. there are schools like al-Hafithaat which focus on arabic starting from alif and Quran which are beneficial. also there is a google group called hijrahtomadinah- not very active, but lots of info that might be helpful. also there are tutoring/teaching opportunities for native english speaking women around here which can be helpful with the money factor, mostly private homes and such. may Allah facilitate a hijrah for those who seek it to this blessed city and keep those of us who are here..here. Allahumma salli 3leh sayidinna muhammad..

    • Hannan Dean Says:

      Salam alykum wa RahmetaAllah wa Barakath.
      Dear Sr. Please can you give me information.
      Im a revert to Islam , Alhumdolillah.
      I have been a muslim some time, and would like to do a Hijra, to Madinah, to study Arabic and perfect my recitation of The Noble Qur’an.
      Im looking for a one to one tuition, as I feel I can learn better this way.
      The problem is Im sixty two years old, look a lot younger Alhudolillah.
      Would I be able to travel alone, or find out other Srs who are traveling on the same flight?
      I have been for Umrah 2009 & a Free Hajj 2010 from Allaah (swt).
      My children are muslim ,but brought up in a western society.
      I was not a muslim then, my sons practise off & on, and I have no one to share the Deen.
      I live alone in London on a state pension.
      The local Masjid , the Imams know of me, and Sisters for my Dawa , affection, and honesty.
      InshaAllah, I pray you can help me to strenthen my Iman and if possible to find accomodation with Srs I can share.
      Ja za Kala Qiran.

  12. muhajjirah Says:

    and actually im curious, when will the sisters branch of islamic university of madinah open up you think inshaAllah- any potential dates? ive heard that this has been a thought for a while now. may Allah facilitate the best.

    • JazaakAllaah for the above info; but as for the sisters section, then Alllaahu ta’aala ‘alam, I believe it’s been in discussion for about a year now. Personally, I cannot answer this question. Sorry. Although I will try and find out inshaaAllaah.

      You say u r currently in Madeenah, a good idea may be to get one of your mahrams to pop to the university and speak to the brothers at the admin desk inshaaAllaah…

    • as-salaamu alaykum sister jazaki allahu khairan, can you please contaxt me? my email is zarinah@hotmail.co.uk
      jazak allahu khairan brother for posting this also

  13. Ifrah Muhammud Says:

    assalaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu,
    Brother can u tell me how long you think that it would take for Medinah university to open the women’s section and can u be 16/17 yrs old and still apply if Medinah does indeed open a women section?

    • Wa alaykum assalaam wa rahmatUllaahi wa barakaatuh,

      As for when the women section will be opening up, then Allaahu ‘alam, I’m sorry I don’t know. I usually get info from brothers currently at Madeenah, though inshaaAllaah as of when I know, I will update this post.

      As for your age, then that is a very good age to apply at. And I say this basing my answer that the rules (criteria) for the sisters section will be the same as for the brothers section.

      A bro I know got accepted last Ramadhaan into Madeenah uni and he was 17 or so. So yes, 17 is a very good age to apply at.

      Another benefit of applying at this age is that if one does not get accepted first time round, then he/she can apply again for the next year, and if he/she doesn’t get accepted again, he/she can apply again etc (some people have gotten accepted on their third time applying). Whereas if a person applies when he/she is 25 (for example) and doesn’t get accepted then applying again will not be of much benefit.

      May Allaah make it easy for everyone, ameen.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum

  14. Fathima Says:

    Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu
    What is the duration of the study ,in Umm al Qura university for sisters? I mean how many years?

    • Wa ‘alaykum assalaam wa rahmatUllaahi wa barakaatuh,

      The duration is for 4 years for Arabic speakers. For those who do not understand Arabic, there is an extra 2 years Arabic course.

      Wassalaam o alaykum,

  15. UmmAbdullah Says:


    Jazaak’Allahu khairan for the info

    You said that if the sister has a degree than a tefl course is enough. I thought that the CELTA/TESOL is a must regardless of if one has a degree or not, because all of the jobs online make this a minimum condition.
    I am a bit confused, insha’Allah you can help.

    Jazaak’Allahu Khairan

    • Wa ‘alaykum assalaam,

      I just rang a bro who had worked in saudi for a couple of years, and he re-confirmed for me that although some job descriptions may say that they need a CELTA degree, they’re not so strict on it. As long as you have a degree and back that up with a TEFL course, this should suffice inshaa-Allaah.

      Most institutes that require english teachers, however, recruit for their positions around Jan/Feb/Mar time for employment starting after Ramadhaan.

      However, with this in mind, one should not delay in applying, nor should one not apply in the ‘off peak’ months (i.e., just constantly keep on applying, like one would do with any job field).

      Again with regards to the CELTA course, although they say they need it, as long as you have a TEFL course on top of a degree they still may employ you depending on how desperate they are. And the Kingdom is constantly in need of english teachers…

      The TEFL course literally costs peanuts, so even if one does not get a job with it, one doesn’t really loose much. I was advised BY THE BROTHER I SPOKE TO OVER THE PHONE to simply do a TEFL course on top of my degree and inshaaAllaah that should suffice as the Kingdom really needs english teachers…

      I hope this has helped.

      However, please do ask around from more places. Do not take my words as a final ‘stamp’ on the issue.

      And Allaah knows best.

      Wassalaam o ‘alaykum

  16. Assalaam o alaykum,

    Another thing people need to take into consideration is the weather climate. Many reverts can not handle the heat (and hence come back).

    Likewise the whole system there is different from here in the west. If anyone has been to the Saudi Embassy in London, they would know what I’m referring to…

    For one scenario, you would be told different things by different people WHO WORK IN THE SAME BUILDING.

    I’ve seen brothers literally ‘begging’ for their papers to be stamped, reviewed, checked etc.

  17. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathulahi Wabarakathuhu.May Almighty Allah reward you for providing us the valuable information.
    I would like to know,usually when does the academic year of the Ummul Qura University starts(which month)?

    • Wa ‘alaykum assalaam wa rahmatUllaahi wa barakaatuh,

      The semester starts at Shawaal… And we’re currently in Rajab, so it starts three months from now…

      It is impossible for one to get accepted for this Shawaal (1431 AH), as the number of applications considered for acceptance usually gets filled by Muharram time (9 months prior to the start of the semester)…

      If one applies now, he/she would be considered for Shawaal 1432 (next years Shawaal). And the best time to be applying is Ramadhaan/Shawaal time (for acceptance of the next year)…

      However take into consideration that when one sends his/her application, it usually takes about 3/4 weeks for it to arrive into the Kingdom… So one needs to plan everything well (getting tazkiyahs, translating docs, getting the doctor’s letter etc – This usually takes much longer than people imagine…)

      I hope this has helped.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

  18. Muslimah Says:

    Assalamulaikum wr wb akhi,

    JazakaALLAH 4 all the information you have posted, it’s very usefull alhumdulillah. i have a few question:
    I received an email about Princess Nora bint Abdulrahman University and the scholarship…
    do you have any information on this ?

    Also i would be moving with my parents inshaallah, so whats the best way to do this ? do i apply at the University first ?


    Wa’laikumaslalam wr wb

    • Wa alaykum assalaam wa rahmat Ullaahi wa barakaatuh,

      As for Princess Noora Uni, please see this link:


      As for moving with your parents, then I don’t quite understand this question… You’re saying you will be moving to Saudi? If such is that case, then it is best to apply once your are there (I’m guessing you’re referring to Umm Al Qura uni, in Makkah), as there are more chances one will be accepted into the Jaami’ah if one applies by giving in ones application form by hand in the admins desk…

      Tho please note that a female applicant must present proof of a mahram currently living in Makkah, if they are not applying along with their spouse or brother.

      I hope this answered the question.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

  19. Muslimah Says:

    Assalamualialaukm wr wn akhi,

    Subhnallah i have opened the link you gave me – and it’s really sad as i had already started to get my documents togother and it’s costing alot –
    May allah make it easy….im kind of confused as my friend recieved scholarship from that University-However her brother was living in Riyadh
    so it must have been easier, and allah knows Best…
    so from the link you posted, i take the naseeha that i shoudn’t apply ….

    I want to move to saudi, only for the reason to study insh-ALLAH…
    But as you said its best to move and then apply so for what reason can i move beforehand – (i heard it’s diffuclut to move to saudi) ?

    as i am not married i cannot apply with my spouse and nor my brother, so i cant apply for Umm Al Qura…
    But Ibn Sau’d University can accept insh-Allah…


    ws wr wb

    • Wa alaykum assalaam wa rahmat Ullaahi wa barakaatuh,

      Ok I’m sorta confused as to which uni you are referring to in what sentence…

      As for Princess Noora Uni, then if I remember correctly, you need someone to hand in your documents for you (as is the case with Imam Muhammad Bin Sa’ud Uni, in Riyaadh)…

      Also, as I mentioned, it is preferable to hand your documents in yourself in the admins desk, not that that is the only option (referring to Umm Al-Qura uni)… Handing it in yourself increases the chances of your acceptance, as they can do your interview there and they know that you are serious for studying the deen (as you flew all the way just to hand it in)…

      Again, sorry for my misunderstanding, but I don’t quite understand what you mean by “But Ibn Sau’d University can accept insh-Allah…”

      Tho, your situation seems to be quite a tight one. However, gaining knowledge for sisters is very good, however sisters need to realise that knowledge, per se, is not something that increases their ranks in Jannah as much as their devotion to their families does.

      Faatimah, Khadeejah, Aasiya and Maryam (the four best women of the world) did not gain their high station because of their knowledge (as ‘Aa’ishah had more knowledge than Faatimah and Khadeejah), but it was due to their devotion to their family (husband, children etc)…

      This may sound far fetched, but if you can get your brother / mahram to get a job in Saudi, that would be the next possible route for you (as I can see). Maybe even helping him find a job there…

      I hope this has answered your question/query…

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

  20. Muslimah Says:

    Assalamualikum wr wb,

    when i meant ‘Muhammad Ibn Saud University’ : i think that it would be easier for me to apply there, as i dont need to apply with a spouse or a brother to get accepted…

    do you know when is the dead line to apply if i want to go for 2010

    Also about Princess Noora Uni, as i looked at the blog you posted up, it mentioned how its a scam…so shall i not go through that sister. as she was helping me to apply for the uni and said she will hand in my documents.

    what other countries would you advise me to go to in order to seek ilm ?

    Wa’laikaum asslam wr wb

    • You wil still need a mahram living in Saudi to be accepted for Imaam Muhammad Bin Saud Uni. Sorry if the above info made it seem otherwise.

      As for the closing date; then the university operates on a first come first served basis. There is no official closing date, so once they have accepted all the students for that specific year, then all NEW applications coming in would be considered for the coming year.

      Allaahu ‘alam when exactly the list gets filled, as for Madinah university, then the list is usually completed around Rabi Al-Awwal (3rd month). So I’m assuming it is the same for the other governmental universities as well.

      The best time to apply would be Ramadhaan/Shawaal time as that is when they start choosing people for acceptance… But again, you need a mahram for this uni as well…

      As for Princess Noora Uni, then the sister who was helping out didn’t mention this to the uni hence why people saw it as a scam. If you wish, you can still contact her for help…

      Allaahu ‘alam what other countries have uni’s which accomodate for sisters…

  21. Asalam alaykum warhmatullahew abrakatu. my question is that what if you don’t have a marham, would the schools allow you to study there an the all girls campus

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatUllaahi wa barakaatuh,

      Allaahu ‘alam.

      What I know is that if you don’t have a mahram the Kingdom would not allow you in (the Kingdom doesn’t allow anyone in without a mahram), and the Uni’s make sure (when you start) that you have a mahram with you there throughout your stay. Tho Allaahu ‘alam how they go around doing this…

      • UmmAbdullah Says:

        Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa barakaatuh

        you said: ” if you don’t have a mahram the Kingdom would not allow you in (the Kingdom doesn’t allow anyone in without a mahram)”
        Did you mean if a sister applied to go to the uni in saudi, or do you mean in general. I am a bit confused, because what if a sister wants to work in the kingdom but she doesn’t have a mahram, does that automatically mean she doesn’t get the job, if this is the case then how comes those kuffar women can work there.


        • Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatUllaahi wa barakaatuh,

          Good question, I asked Shaykh Suhaib Hasan about this and he mentioned that the Kingdom only allows women in with a mahram if they are coming for Hajj or Umrah…

          The Kingdom does not adopt the Shariah 100% and this is one of those places…

          However, Islamically speaking women should not travel without a mahram anyway. If however, one has a mahram already in Saudi and a mahram in the UK (or wherever one is traveling from), then according to one opinion (held by Ibn Uthaymeen), it suffices that a mahram drops her off to the airport, and a mahram picks her up from the other airport on the other side… Scholars have however differed on this point.

          So as for working there, then Allaahu ‘alam, but it seems that no mahram is required “BY THE KINGDOM”. Women should look, however on the job description, as the employer may have a few words to say on this point… The best thing, however, is to apply along with ones husband, both of you teaching the english language… Being a doctor or nurse is also very beneficial for sisters if their husbands’ are applying for work there as some employers say that a man can only bring his wife over if she is a doctor, nurse or teacher…

          I hope this has somewhat answered your question/query…

  22. fathima Says:

    assalamualaikum warahmamathullahi wabarakhathuhu,

    I would like to know,if it will be easy to get the visa to saudi arabia to study, inshallah provided that , i have amahram , studying at the medina university, if so what are the procedures required to do so. will i be able to get my visa quickly?, and get an admission to one of the universities like ummu ul qura inshallah.may Allah reward you please let me know the procedures that i have to undertake , in detail if possible. mahram meaning , i’m proposed to a student currently studying at the medinah university, and inshaallah hope tio get married to him ones he comes back for his vaccations. so will it be possible for him to take me there , provided that i wish to continue my study as stated before. and will standards of living be easy for us, since both of us wish to study.

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatUllaahi wa barakaatuh,

      With regards to getting a visa, then Allaahu ‘alam about that. Sorry but I don’t really have any info about getting a visa or anything.

      As for getting admission into Umm Al-Qura, then I don’t think this would be very wise, as your husband would be in Madeenah and you would be in Makkah…

      The distance between Makkah and Madeenah is over 300Km, and I’m not sure Umm Al-Qura would allow a female to study there while her mahram is not with her…

      Read the above post where I have mentioed about sisters studying the deen while in Madeenah, as that seems like a better option…

      Married students are being allowed to bring their wives over, however the women’s section seems to still be in progress and may take about 2 years or maybe longer…

      “The university seems now to be accepting requests from students to bring their wives, on the condition that the students are from countries in which Muslims are a minority, like Europe, the US, etc. They are currently accepting applications – so any students who are married should go and submit their papers. This seems to be a temporary measure to cope with the massive influx of new students this year, and requires the student to sign a pledge that they will not ask the university for any form of help and support, and will take full responsibility for the consequences of bringing their wives.” [SoYouWantToBeAStudent’s Blog]

      As for life as married students, please see this post: http://soyouwanttobeastudent.wordpress.com/general-information-about-madinah-uni/married-students/

      I hope this has answered your question,

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum

  23. Nima Ali Says:

    Asalamu alykum, i just wanted to know what the situation of a sister who doesn’t have a mahram and wish’s to attend the university is and is there anyway i can study in Saudi Arabia with out mahram
    Jazakallahu kheiyr

    • Wa ‘alaykum assalaam,

      In all honesty, sisters getting accepted into unis in the Kingdom (without a mahram), isn’t as easy as it may seem. Without a mahram, getting accepted into Umm Al-Qura is not possible as the uni explicitly states that females should have a mahram present with them during their stay…

      Most of the post explains ways for sisters to get in, with a mahram, without a mahram, however, the chances are quite slim.

      And your situation, as many others, seems like a tight one. However one should seek Allaah’s help and not be concerned with ‘how rare’ the chances are, but rather look at ‘Who you are asking for help’. Ponder over the Du’aa of the Prophet in the belly of the whale, and one will see how having tawakkul in Allaah and ignoring the waswasah from Shaytaan about the ‘slim chances’ of ones du’aas being accepted causes Allah to open up ways for you.

      Read my comment 5 above this one for more info…

      I hope this has answered the question…

  24. asalamoalakum sir i wants studying live or online i want to reach correct position with my husband wasalam

  25. Sister Rabia Says:

    Salam Sister,

    I read your posts regarding sisters who do not have a mahram applying for these universities. I really want to learn about Islam overseas (esp in KSA) — but I do not have a mahram living there — should I still bother applying anyway though?

    Also, you said that a sister can have her father apply along with her — what do you mean by that? The father can just apply on paper with her (as showing that he is giving his permission for her to study) or do you mean that the father would have to relocate to KSA with her for her studies?

    I would appreciate some clarification.


    • As for the first part of your question; you should try applying along with one of your mahrams… Otherwise, doubt very much your paper’s even going to get looked at…

      As for applying with your father, then ok, maybe this is not so practical, but I mentioned ‘father’ in the beginning in the brackets so as to inform people who can constitue as a mahram… As I just mentioned, a father is maybe not the best mahram to apply with, the best mahram to apply along with would be a brother or a husband…

      And yes, this mahram, whoever he may be, must stay with you in KSA for the entire duration of the study…

      The best way one can go with a father (practically speaking) is if he finds a job there in Makkah (for those willing to study in Umm Al-Qura), as that way you have a mahram there…

      I hope this has answered the question.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

      P.s, Im a brother, not a sister…

    • I would like to study islam and quran
      I’m 18 years old women . My goal bcome a dawa scholar in islam plz help me?

  26. Ayesha Hummaira Says:

    Salam Alaiakum Wa Rahmatullah.

    May Allah swt grant you the best rewards for helping your Sister fillaah in
    seeking the deen of Allah swt. Ameen

    I will make it quick and to the point ensyallah.

    Im currently studying in Syria, Damascus.

    Masyallah it is a great experience being amongst tholibul ilm, however as most should be aware of is that Syria universities are directly or indirectly promoting Sufism.

    and i am looking more towards in the manhaj of Quraan and Sunnah.
    Basically the less bid’ah and more Authentic tawheed is better.

    Therefore following are my Question?

    1) Is there any chance, for transfer?

    2) Provided if i travel with my mahram to hand in my application, what are the chances that i may and may not be accepted as i will be 26 in Feb 2011?

    3) While i wait for the application to be approved, how can i maximize the opportunity of being in a bless land, in seeking knowledge or to please Allah swt (for Sister)?

    4) Is there any free Quraan tutorial or Hadith halaqa, that i can attend in Masjid within the waiting period?

    5) What will be the total expenses per months, provided if i decided to wait for the application to process?

    6) Is there any affordable hostel, or place i and my Brother can stay within that waiting period, if so How much approximately?

    7) Will it be convenient to travel and apply in the coming months of November?

    That will be all for now.

    Jazakallah bi alfil khair ensyallah.


    • Wa ‘alaykum assalaam wa rahmat Ullaah,

      1) As for transfers, then Allaahu ‘alam… Sorry… You may need to contact the uni directly and see what they say in this regard…

      2) Considering you are 26, the age is just above the age limit (25), but even so still apply, as some have been accepted even at the age of like 28…

      3) You can maximise the opportunity of being in Saudi by attending the halaqahs that go on there… Please read what I have mentioned under Madeenah Uni, under the title “UPDATE: (31/03/10)”.

      4) yup, as said above in answer 3.

      5) Allaahu ta’aala ‘alam… Roughly 900 Saudi Riyaals plus the accommodation cost of the hotel your staying at… I say SR.900 because this is roughly what the stipend the unis dish out to their students…

      6) Allaahu ‘alam (again)…

      7) One can apply whenever one wishes, applicants who apply after Dhul Hijjah (roughly December time) are usually forwarded till next Shawaal of the following year (in one year and 8 months time. i.e, Shawaal 1433)…

      So November seems quite near to Dhul Hijjah… So Dhull Qadha is a goo dtime if you wish to be accepted for Shawaal 1432….

      Sorry for the late reply.

      I hope this has helped somewhat.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum

  27. Ummu Abdal Latheef Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu.
    Respected brother in Islam.

    I would like to know about the faclilities provided for girls who go with brothers in Ummul Qura University hostel.
    Jazakallahu khair.

  28. what about sisters without mahrims is there any chance for them to get in

    • Doubt it very much…

      But for those who can’t get in, remember that the best four women of this world (Faatimah, Khadeejah, Aasiya and Maryam) did not gain their great status in the Sight of Allaah due to their knowledge (as ‘Aa’ishah had more knowledge than Faatimah and Khadeejah) but it was due to their devotion to their families (husband, children etc)…

      Know that knowledge, per se, is not something that increases a womans rank in Jannah as much as her devotion to their families does.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum

  29. salam alykum wa rahma
    jazakallaah akhi, you made a very good point there!…but you have to have knowledge! of Allaah!…and its only when you know your obligation towards first your Lord that you can worship Him Ta’ala be He, the way He derserves to be worshiped! likwise its only when you know the your obligations towards your family that you will treat them with due respect!..so knowledge is very important! and you’ll see those ppl male n’ female who lack in Islamic knowldge are in odds with each other in their dealings….so maybe we dont need a degree in Sharee’ah! or to become a shaykha!…lol…though we need some shaykha’s for certain issues the shaykhs might not be able to understand! but we need basic knowlegde and we go to other Universities to attain something of this Dunya so why not go to Islamic universities and attain something of the Akharah?!

    The Islamic university of Madinah has dissapointed us!…why can’t we enjoy the Sacred Mosque of Rasoolullaah! salla Allaahu alyhi wa salam!…why hve they denied us the right to study Islam from its best sources! and limited it to the brothers only!!!…to the extent that only a married sister who’s Husband is a student!! can attend some causes !!!…dats sad!!…
    anywas inshaAllaah its my dream to some day study in Madinah university….no matter what it takes!….inshaAllaah Allaah make it easy!

    Barakallaahu feekum ikhwaan 4 de detailed info!


    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      Madeenah Uni has not dissapointed anyone. The Uni had to start somewhere, and it started small and is now expanding. It is what is known to be done from all organisations. Madeeenah Uni is in shaa Allaah opening a sisters section in the near future, so the Uni has not diossapointed anyone…

  30. hafiz maryam Says:

    Asalam u alikum brother!Iam terribly among those siters who dont have a mahram in makkah but i live along with my family in dammam for over 15 or 16 years.could a still wont be able to get admin in umma al qura?What if they see my urge to seek knowledge as its the most important thing for a student studying islam,to be endowed with.Brother plz answer my question in detail…

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      Conditions are conditions… Thats the way the uni runs… Tho make sincere du’aa (and stick to the fear of Allaah) and Allaah will open up path ways you never imagined…

      the story of Yusuf in the belly of thew whale is a good motivation in knowing/seeing how Allaah has his ways in opening up the pathways…

      I hope this has somewhat answered your question/query.

      Wassalamu ‘alaykum

  31. hafiz maryam Says:

    alhamdulillah!I have memorized the whole quran and i have a good recitation of quran as well although iam a pakistani national and i read quran with full tajweed alhamdulillah!The purpose of telling all this is not for getting appreciation but merely to know that whether they’ll cinsider this and admit me?Please brother i have no other options for aquiring islamic knowledge but without a mahram.I cant apply with my brother because i dont have an islamic background in my family.If Allah has put this urge in me then i think i shall get admin there inshallah!Brother can you please clarify?

  32. kausernaseem Says:


  33. bahi ma too kehatta hoon ky app kabbi be sudia arab na janna quin ky wahan per din kum din ka bara gharak zaida hoota hy pl z mari sath jo howa woo ma bata nahi saktaa quin ky shaaram ki bohat batt hy ab bee soudi shazaday joo kam pakistan aur india main aker kertay hain wohi kam yeh zazeed ki aulad pak, aur indian larkoo se apnay mellao main kertay hain joo sharam nak hy yeh batt girls bee pertti hongiii ice liye nahi batta sakta quin ky ma nay five years service ki hy mehal main in ki auratayin aur mard keya keya kam kertay hain bus mat poocho quin ky sub ki ma behan hootti hain apni ulad ko soudi arab na behjoo werna hall pura hoga tamash app pak aur hindustan main daikh sattay hoo…jo yeh films actress kay sath kertay hain buss al amman mary sunni bahyeeos

  34. soudi arab main women nay badkari ky liyie khaloonay penis kay banna rakhay hain jo america se milltay hain use kerti hain ma in main ten years rahie hoo bus na pochoo kay keya dakhaa hy pakistani aur indian mardoon ky sath bohat khush rahtii hain aur jo complain kerta hy ice per zinah ka ilzamm laga ker suzza delwadattin hain three and five five women use in one time one man aur takatt ki dawayee mard ko khillatti hain pher wo in ky sath ayashi kertii hain ma bhee even mujh se bhee yeh kam kerwachukii hain road per arabs women serach kertti hain pak, indian sikh ya punjabi man electricity maramat ky liyei pher kiya hoota hain woo next day road per bay hiss pera hotta hy qion ky ice ko use kertyy hain three three women one time

  35. laura s yusseff Says:


  36. Gulnaz begum Says:

    i wish to apply and i’m trying to fullfill all the conditions but still i have some doubts, bro i hope inshallah u’ll clearify my doubts
    in the condition they have ask’d to get attestted from saudi embassy my doubt is weather i have to get attested in all my documents ??? all the documents or only high school mark sheets or even in health certificate i mean in all???

  37. Gulnaz begum Says:

    and when they are starting selection and when will course starts for this year ???? when i should submit my form??? so that they can consider my form

  38. Gulnaz begum Says:

    ——– last question i tried telephone number but its seems to be not correct number can i get umm al qura current telephone number ????

  39. @ Gulnaz begum;

    Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

    As for getting ur docs attested from the Saudi Embassy, then this is something they usually don’t pay attention to unless u get accepted, once you get accepted, then they ask for the docs to be stamped by the Saudi Embassy in your country…

    As for the course start date, then this is in Shawwaal, however they give students a month (till Dhul-Qadha) to come in…

    They start selecting for the courses in Muharram time, so if u apply now, you will be put in the list of students who will be checked for admision for Shawwaal 1433.

    Considering its Muharram now, you may be (and this being rare) u may be thought about being in the list for the list of student of 1432 (this year)…

    Sorry for the delay in the response.

    I hope this has answered ur questions.

    Wassalaamu ‘alaykum

  40. raaqiyah Hassan Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum sisters and brothers in this forum. I was looking for Islamic universities for women in Saudi Arabia. I saw many forms but they were all closed. ALhamdulilaah I found this forum. I am a sister who lives in USA and I want to study Deen, (Quran, Ahadith, and all the madahib). Can anyone tell me which universities offer Islamic studies for women and how i can apply them?.
    Jazakumullahu Khayra

  41. Gulnaz Begum Says:

    jazakallahukhair yeah its clear alhamdulilah
    another one doubt inshallah
    and do they consider permission from goverment ie permission from goverment that i can study in saudi arabia, before my admission???
    is it very essential??? to get permission from goverment

  42. @ raaqiyah Hassan.

    Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

    You need to thoroughly read the above post, and make ur decision based on your preference. Umm Al-Qura, however seems to be the best possibility for the meantime, until Madeenah Uni opens up its women’s faculty…

    Or if thats not the case, then even getting into the Kingdom is sufficient for learning the deen as halaqahs (study circles) are all over the masjids, however, one needs to start now in his/her learning of Arabic.

    I hope this has answered ur question.

    Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

  43. @ Gulnaz Begum

    You would need to get a letter of permission once you are accepted.

    If ur in the Uk, then that means you would need to write to ur local MP, state that you wish to go overboard into Saudi and they need to see permission form one’s local member of parliament. State something like you would be learning the true teachings of Islaam, as Islaam is the most misunderstood religion. Talk about how the real teachings of Islaam are important to be taught as it helps to combat extremism etc etc etc. Make it sound good, wait for his reply, and your done…

    I had a copy of one bro’s letter which he wrote, once I find it, I’ll upload it and post the link here in shaa Allaah…

    I hope this has answered ur question.

    Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

    • Huda Owais Says:

      Before I was living in Makkah and I was studying Mahad course in Umm Al Qura University, but due to my father’s job now I came to Jubail, Saudi Arabia… I want to study Arabic Language course here. Anyone know any good Institute here in Jubail? Any Tahfeez for girls or any short courses institute?

  44. raaqiyah Hassan Says:

    Jazakallahu khayra, yeah that helped.
    I am majoring Pharmaceutical Sciences, and insha allah I will be getting my bachelors soon. Is there any way I can work with what I have studied? I took a lot of science course including a year of organic, physics, bio and math. I will be also turning 23 the year of 2011 insha allah, any chance they will accept me in that age or even if things dont finish early for me, and I turn 24. And one last thing I want to know is, I have an uncle in Riyaad, will he be considered my muxram, or it is a must that he lives in Makkah.

    Hope I didnt ask too much.
    Jazakallah khayr al jazaa once more.

  45. Gulnaz begum Says:

    jazakhallahukhair bro i’m not from uk i’m from india

  46. @ raaqiyah Hassan;

    1) 23 is a good age in shaa Allaah…

    2) 24 should be ok aswell, though they are planning to decrease the age limit from 25 to 23, last time I checked some uni’s did do this… But still 23 or even 24 shouldn’t really be a problem, as they don’t get that many sisters applying…

    3) Umm Al-Qura uni says that the mahram should be in makkah, so riyaadh is something like 500miles or so.

    Either case, riyaadh is still a good place to be in, even if u can just go live there as shaykh Saalih al-fawzaan as well as shaykh abdul-‘azeez aal shaykh live there, and there study circles are the ones with most benefit.

    I hope this has answered ur qstn…

  47. @ Gulnaz Begum;

    In that case, Allaahu ‘alam how you would have to go about in doing that… Sorry, but maybe asking someone from your local council or something may help… Allaahu ‘alam of the exact details/procedure…

  48. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu.

    Akhi,what about the safety of unmarried girls go stay in the hostel of Ummul Qura University?
    May Almighty Allah bless you for providing the valuable information.

  49. @ Hana;

    Allaahu ‘alam, tho I’m sure they’ve got it all under control…

    Walillaahil humd, the Kingdom, implements the Sharee’ah in regards to the honor of women…

    But as for specific details, then sorry, but Allaahu ‘alam, I do not know.

  50. raaqiyah Hassan Says:


  51. Assalamu Alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu
    Dear brother-in-Islam,
    I would like to know when does the Ummul Qura University publish the name list of students accepted for the year 2011,Shawwal.

  52. @ Hana;

    Assalaamu ‘alayum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

    The uni’s usually publish the list around Ramadhaan time… They also send out letters of acceptance to each student they accept. With that letter one goes to the Saudi Embassy in their hometown and takes it all from there (visa, ticket etc.).

    Wassalaamu ‘alayukm.

  53. Aysha Akram- Mauritius Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu.
    Respected Brother,
    I would like to know whether the students of Ummul Qura Uni allowed to go to the Harem with their brothers.
    Jazakallahu Khaira.

  54. Asalamualaykum brother, I notice that one of the requirements for admissions into the saudi universities require the applicants to provide a health certificate, so my question is what exactly is a health certificate and what information should it consist of? do I get the certificate from my doctor or does the saudi embassy website supply one for my doctor to fill out? Barakallahufeek for all you support.

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      Basically you would need to go to the doctor and ask her that you need a health certificate. Explain that you would be living in Saudi for roughly 6 years.

      Nothing major, just a blood and urine sample, regular/normal check up to make sure your healthy and stuff. They usually do all the checks on your blood and urine sample, so it should only be around 5 mins or so.

      Most doctors require a fee for this, depending on your doctor, it could be as little as £10 or as much as £90, tho they only ask for it when you go pick up your letter.

      Also, it would be good to ask them for a list of injections you have had as well.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

  55. Assalamualikum wr wb akhi,
    i have researched and come to know that we need to get all the documents/certificates translated into arabic by a certified translator and then certified by the saudi embassy- this on a whole costs alot of money subhnallah – i was wondering do we not do these things after we are accepted ? jazakAllah akhi,

    ws wr wb

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      All your documents need to be translated, but not necessarily certified by the Saudi embassy as of yet. Only once you get accepted will they need certification from you. But when applying, just translate them and send them…

      I hope this has answered ur question.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

  56. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu.
    Akhi,please answer me for the following questions.May Almighty Allah reward you.
    1)When does the Ummul Qura University send the letter of acceptance for the year 2011?
    2) Will a girl of 19 years old be accepted by the University with her 16 or 17 years old brother as her mahram?
    3)Can an Arab friend living in Makkah, influence us to get accepted?

    • Assalaamu ‘alayukm wa rahmatUllaahi wa barakaatuh,

      1) Umm Al-Qura has not, as far as I am aware, published the list this year. The accepted students have been decided, but the list has not been published on their website, for reasons known best to them. The accepted students, will however receave a letter through the post informing them of their acceptance.

      2) Yes, if her bro also get accepted.

      3) To a certain extent they can, depending on how well known they are.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

      • rena fatin Says:

        asalamu alaikum. im an indian who has completed high school i wanted to know whether , we as expatriates are allowed into the university. and is the admission already over? can i apply for this year? and im just 18 years, cant i apply?

        please please reply . maY Allah Almighty bless you

  57. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu
    Can you please tell me around which month the accepted students will receive the letter of acceptance?
    Jazakallahukhaira fiddarain.

  58. Assalamu Alaikum Akhi,
    What about the students applied in last year Ramadan (2010)?
    Their course of study starts in this year Shawwal right?
    When will they get their letter of acceptance?
    Jazakallahu khair.

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      RThe uni has changed its start date for the new semester so Allaahu ‘alam on how exactly things work out now… If one applied in Ramadhaan 2010 (1431), then acceptance would be in Ramadhaan 1432/2011 or Feb/mar 2012 depending on when the uni decides to start their semester.

      I hope this has answered ur question.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

  59. asalam u alaikum brother,I asked the scholar there in madina that do the sisters need a mahram throughout their study,and she replied that the question of mahram is only related to the safar.Your father will escort you to mecca,find a safe place for you there,get you admitted there and then he can go back.So, iam confused brother.What is the correct thing?Jazakallah khair.

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      According to the Umm Al-Qura website it states that the Mahram should be with you throughout your stay.

      So Allaahu ‘alam where this position came from. Maybe he misunderstood your question, or was stating a fatwa not based upon an institution or organisation, and just stating an opinion which he believes to be strong.

      Allaahu ‘alam. But again, according to their website, one must have a mahram with them throughout their stay…

  60. Wa alaikum salam brother.But,then how can women get to learn the deen.I don’t understand.Here in saudia there are uni’s where the women are so independent and advanced.But,when the question comes to give them knowledge of islam,the saudi govt. wants to hide them.The scholar i asked,she said that how is it possible that the mahram will stay with you throughout your stay?he’ll just escort you through your journey.I live in Dammam,1200km away from mecca,brother.And brother,this is the way every person gets educated in unis.We need to lose something to get something.Gaining knowledge of islam is more important.
    Plz clarify.Jazakallah kahir brother.

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      It is not impossible for sisters to gain knowledge. For those who have been accepted and have graduated, it is upon them to return to their homelands and spread knowledge amongst the sisters. Furthermore, parents/brothers /husbands need to take into consideration their female relatives’ islamic needs and help them in gaining knowledge.

      But for those who can’t get in, remember that the four best women of this world (Faatimah, Khadeejah, Aasiya and Maryam) did not gain their great status in the Sight of Allaah due to their knowledge (as ‘Aa’ishah had more knowledge than Faatimah and Khadeejah) but it was due to their devotion to their families (husband, children etc)…

      I hope this has answered your question/query.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

  61. MaDeenThenMaLife Says:

    You said that InshaAllah “next year” we’d have concrete info about Madinah University opening a Sisters section… InshaAllah

    so can you please clarify what year, roughly..? 2012
    or (if the post was old) is there now a sisters section?

    • The Uni initially said it would be completed in 2/3 years but it seems they are running late. Allaahu ‘alam when exactly they would finish. Doubt very much it would be finished by this Ramadhaan… Maybe Ramadhaan 1433 or 1434, but it is hard to tell as Saudi’s, with all due respect, are always late when it comes to deadlines…

  62. I got to know through the authorities of Ummul Qura University that they are facing hostel problems,and once they get that ,they will take students to the university.How long would they take to solve this problem.Can anybody insist to make it quick?
    May Almighty Allah help all of us.Aameen.

  63. Aaisha Humaira Says:

    When will Ummul Qura univesity publish the list of the new students?
    Can you please ask the university on behalf of us.

  64. Aaisha Humaira Says:

    Please answer me

  65. Binti Ciisa Umm Habiba Says:

    Assalaamu Alaykum!!! May Allah reward you the best of this dunya nad the hereafter. jazakhal Qeyr!!!My brother and I both are applying for the University…

    The one thing I am confused about is that, is this University for Women’s only? if so where is my brother going to stay? and if not does it mean My brother is going to be my roomate?

    My brother and I both went to study the Arabic Language, We dont have our birth certificate due to the War in our Country. But we grew up in the USA, we are citizen, is this document going to be enough for the admissions. My brother is 19 and I am 21. Our desire is to learn Arabic and the Shariah of Islam. Insha’Allah brother please let me know, Jaza khal Qeyr Assalaamu Alaykum wr wb!!!!

  66. Sister in Islam Says:

    Ummul Qura is not particularly an Islamic University,that means they have many other faculties such as medicine as far as I know.
    For the non-Arabs there is a course for two years ( both for girls and boys)

  67. Umm rayyan Says:

    Assalamu 3alaykum wara7matullah wabarakatuh, bro I need to ask you something. I don’t have a high school certificate let alone a degree, but my husband works in riyadh. Do i have any hope, or i shouldn’t bother? I really want to study deen! JazakumullAh kheyran

  68. Asalamualikum,
    I live in jeddah and was born and bred in saudi and I know how difficult it could for some one to get admission into one of these universities, recently my dad 2 brothers into medina and he had to use his contacts to get them in. And it took them almost 6 months to get accepted and that’s how hard it is to get in.
    One good suggestions I can give to sisters who are interested to study deen in saudi arabia is to marry a brother who works in Saudi and who is practising and has also intention to study islam.
    I know many nice brothers who are looking for motivated sisters and are willing to support them through out, and majority of religious brothers in jeddah and Riyadh are well educated, decent job and have studied from abroad like Uk and US, they have no intention whatsoever to get foreign nationality, they are just looking for serious sisters who want to learn the deen.

    This is just a suggestion and you are most welcome to disagree with me.

    BarakAllaah feekum

    • Assalamulaikum wr wb,

      subhnallah- i agree that its difficult to get into saudi as i have been trying for long time but there are many barriers so i have carried on with arabic and shariyah law in the uk.however i do believe that the best way out there is to get married and to work out there, do you know of any good jobs? and can the women also work ?

  69. aasalamu alaikum . I was wondering if i was to apply with my brother for this university . Would they accept me even if he still wasn’t accepted because i may have other means to get a mahram to come but this for example inshallah marry someone who is either studying in saudi already or working .In addittion to this im uk student so this highschool stuff is slightly confusing ive got GCSE do i need alevels aswel ? .

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      1) GCSE’s are sufficient. Thats’s all they really ask for.

      2) If you apply with your brother, then your acceptance would depend on his acceptance.

      3) As for the mariage road, then marry someone up there first, and then apply. Or marry someone here, and both of you apply together.

  70. Umm-rayyan Says:

    Aasalamu alaikum firstly I’ve never spoken or seen the imaan of my mosque so how would I get a letter of recommendation. Would I get my brother to get mine on my behalf?? . Secondly I was born in Kenya and lived there for one year than moved to london I don’t have birth certificate… So do you have any advice on how I could get one ?

  71. Assalam alaikum, Jazakhulmillahu khairan for this informative messages, may Allah reward you abundantly.

    1. I am a Nigerian and am above 30 years but my wife is 18 years old. Is it possible for both of us to be accepted as am seem unqualified based on age limit.

    2. Please is O-Level result SSCE -WAEC sufficient for the application and also if the numbers of B’s is not up to 4.

    3. As for me I have 5 B at O-level result and a degree in Electrical engineering but I willing to further my study in Arabic and Islamic studies. Please what are ways you think we can apply so as to brighten the chance for me and my wife.

    Your response is seriously anticipated. Thanks


    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      1) Allaahu ‘alam bro, I doubt it, however no harm in trying, as some people even in their 30’s do still get accepted.

      2) I’m not aware what O-level is, however all they are looking for is your high school grades.

      3) the best way to ensure your application is looked at and considered is by personally going to the uni and handing your app. form in by hand.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

  72. Tasneem Wicomb Says:

    Asalaam.. My husband and I would like to go and work/teach/study in Saudi. We have 2 daughters, aged 4 & 2. I am currently starting my 2nd year B ed. I just don’t know where to start. Will we be able to maintain ourselves initially. Will I need to do a Celta course before I go with my husband so that I can apply for a job in before we get there. The other concern is what would I do with my kids. Jazaakalah for the help in advannce

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      Firstly, one needs to save up money now. As for moving anywhere around the world, one first needs to plan and save up money.

      Secondly, I’m not sure what “B ed” is but if you have a degree from uni then all you need is a TEFL course (links provided above) but if you don’t have a degree from uni (i.e, if you got something lower) then you would need to do the 2 year CELTA course. When doing the TEFL course, it is best to do the one which is the highest (even though it may be a little bit more expensive, as its only a small amount of effort more but the fruits are worth it.

      Thirdly, start applying now to jobs overseas. A friend of mine recently got employed to work in Qatar, and recomended this site: http://www.bayt.com/ which is a very good site. Here is a quick job role I found: http://www.bayt.com/en/job/?xid=1740055

      Though remember that each job role will have their own needs/conditions as well.

      Fourthly, as for your kids then as far as I am aware there isn’t much for them as compared to here in the UK. A friend of mine was in Saudi for a few years with his wife and kid, and his kid used to get so bored that he used to lock himself in the cupboard. As for schools for your kids, then you would need to pay for those as they’re going to be private ones.

      I hope this has helped.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

  73. Asalaamu Alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh akhii

    I been accepted into Madinah University for the academic year 2011/2012 alhamdulillah. Its a great opportunity by Allah. Akhii I had a quick question to ask but its kind of person – I dont want to include my email here as you said its not allowed, so How else can I contact you InshaAllah? you got lots of experience as you are urself in saudi Arabia MashaAllah so it would been good talking to you. Please get back to me akhiii

    Asalaamu Alaykum
    looking forwatd for your message

    • Wassalaamu ‘alaykim wa rahmatUllaahi wa barakaatuh,

      1) I don’t remember me saying its not allowed to provide your email address, but khair I can se your email address when I log on, so if you wish I can contact you.

      2) Lol, akhee I’m not residing in Saudi, Im in the uk. But since I’ve been through the system of aplying and stuff like 3 or 4 times, I’ve got to know a lot about it. Plus I know 2 or 3 students in the uni itself, as well as a bro who lives and works in Madeenah.

      3) Though akhee what I can tell you is that from the 300 – 400 students who apply each year to the uni, they accepted you (and a few others). Akhee ur there to learn the deen, so don’t get distracted by anything else. Allaah chose you from amongst the many people who applied and destined for you to be accepted. Now this is a test from Him to see how well you’re gping to do and how sincere you will be when u return and start to teach others what you’ve gained.

      Remember, no matter how much knowledge you gain, and no matter how much knowledge you possess (over and aboev the masses of ignorant muslims) there’s always someone more knowledgeable than you.

      Don’t let pride destroy you, nor let arrogance b a part of u. Allaah is testing u and he will see how sincere (or otherwise) you are/will b.

      Akhee, it is a duty upon you (when u return from your studies) to teach the ignorant ummah here in the west. So whether you study thoroughly and learn a lot, or whether you study poorly and forget most of what u learn, either way, ur going to have a position of leadership (i.e, by teaching) here in the west when u come back.

      So either way (whether u learn a lot or a little bit) ur still going to teach muslims, so why waste your time and come back not learning asmuch as you could have. Fooling the masses of ignorant people is easy. Like the saying goes ” a cub (baby lion) behaves like a lion when it is in the presence of other cats.”

      Akhee these are 4 (or 6) years u have to block off all distractions around u and concentrate on learning from the true scholars. Don’t let the fitnah of takfeer and refutations distract you. And I sincerely advice u of this. Although it is a salafee state, you still get many deviants there. many don the garb of Salafiyyah yet are not true in their words.

      Akhee, again, stay far away from the fitnah of refutations and the likes. You may get some elder students approaching u asking you what ur opinion is of so and so… One word akhee, IGNORE. Ignore it, and ignore them. No one is placed as a main man who we do al-walaa wa’l-baraa over except the Prophet (saw).

      Anyways akhee if you wish I can direct u to one bro I know who has been there for three years now (he’s in his first year of the Islamic course studying “sharee’ah). I’ll email u his email address now.

      Khair, I need to pray my maghrib now.

      Keep me in your du’aas akhee.

      Wassalaamu ‘alaykum.

      • Asalaamu Alaykum akhee-

        Jazakallah Khair for your reply and your kind words mashaAllah its so beautiful been adviced by a sincere brother whos upon the right path – May Allah give you good in this world and in the next and save you from the hell fire, ameen

        I will take your advice on board InshaAllah – Thank you very much!

        Akhee please email me your email as you havent yet, I got some things to discuss with you, you sound very good brother so would like to talk to you more, I cant discuss it here because its public but would prefer in private between us and Allah only

        Hope I get another reply from you and at the top it said “do not include your email” so don’t if it was you or not

        I am also from UK (Birmingham)

        Asalaamu Alaykum brother

        get back to me pls email – —————@——-.–.–

  74. s-selam
    I am a sister in islam from Austria. I would like to register in this school.I speak only the German language or Bosnian, English I speak not as well-but with a translator on google. Allah has made ​​that easy.
    I am divorced 24 years old and have 2 daughters with me, I would naturally like to take with me,i hope that will not make problems, or–???

  75. s andria Says:

    salaam, i am currently at university and I’m learn to read Arabic, by the time i graduate i will be 24 years of age- is this late for me to apply??


    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      Yes no problem, the age limit is 25 (tho I’m not sure if its dropped down to 23 yet or not). Whatever the case, 24 is a good age to be applying in. But I advice you to get all your documents ready now, as time will fly, and you don’t want to be running around at the last minute trying to get documents translated etc. So if you start gathering your doc now it’ll make things much easier inshaaAllaah…

  76. Fatemeh Zarei Says:

    I wish I could study there :(

  77. Fathoom Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu.
    Respected brother.

    Is it possible for a husband and wife in Ummul Qura hostel separately?
    Will they monthly stipend??

  78. Asalaamu Alaikum,
    I am 48 year old american citizen.I do have some college credits in the early childhood education field, but I still don’t have a degree. I want to live in KSA to both study islam and to teach English. I see that there are age limit for students applying to KSA schools. Would I be accepted to any of the KSA colleges or schools as a student or I would not, because I am 48? Jazakum Allah Khairan.

  79. Najma Yusuf Says:

    Asalama aleykum am 20years girl i live in kenya i would love to come to saudi arabia and study my deen and become alim.can i get a scholarship

  80. Salam alaykum brother,
    jzAk Allah khayran katheeran for all this info…

    i have a few questions on umm al qura university:
    1) do they accept Arab students (like from Yemen or Egypt) and does your country have an affect on your eligibility? (for the 2yr arabic program)

    2)can you apply if you go to a registered but not accredited school? if you dont know, do you know anyone i could ask (other than the university contact above)?

    3) What is the best month to apply in? (Gregorian months lawsama7t)

    4) Do you attest your documents at the Saudi embassy of your resident country, or your passport country?

    JzAk Allah khayran and may Allah grant you hidayah.
    -ukhtukum fillah

  81. Salam alaikum brother,
    I have on quick question on mahrams for UmmAlQura. Does the mahram have to go to the university with you, or can they just live in makkah while you stay in the dorms?
    If they can just be living in makkah, what kind of proof should you get to put with your application?
    Ukhtukum fillah

  82. Hadya Mohammad Says:

    AOA brother. I am really confused. I am currently a grade 11 student in high school, and would like to apply when I get into grade 12 for UmmAlQura later on. As for the requirements, it says high school diploma. What if your in your last year of highschool applying for UmmAlQura and receiving your diploma at the end, but it says 9 months prior to the start of the semester. When I start grade 12, around what time should I be applying for UmmAlQura Univerisity?

  83. Assalamu Alaikum.
    Jajhakallah for this writing.
    I desire to study in Saudia very much.I am 18 and studying in secular education.But I want to get rid of it.I dn have husband or brother.my father dn have scope.I pray to Allah so that He may open doors for me.It is better to try for deeni education in Bangladesh(My country) for me,I suppose.Pray so dat I may take deeni education anyway anyhow….
    Sorry if cross any limit…

  84. mountainofknowledge Says:

    Assalamu alaykum, application Forms for the Islamic Universities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: http://mountainofknowledge.wordpress.com/2012/02/17/application-form-for-the-islamic-universities-in-the-kingdom-of-saudi-arabia/

  85. As’salam aleykum w rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

    This was very nice of you brother. May Allah Ta’lah reward you for your guidance. I have a few question. I’m a revert to Islam. I’m not married, I’m 26 and have no brother or a father who will apply with me. They are not Muslims and would simply never agree to assist me on this. What are my options? Is there a ”Womens University” only in Saudi Arabia which teaches Islam? Because I know there are strict procedures regarding women not accompanied by a mahram living alone. So do you know if there are Dorms in which only females can reside in? Are there any alternatives for a person such as me to be accepted – or it it simply impossible?

    I appreciate any reply.

    Wa’aleykum as’salam!

    • Assalaamu ‘alaykum,

      Sorry for the late response, the only option I see for you is to get married to a bro who also wishes to study in Saudi, as that way you can apply along with him. Either that or get married to a bro who has done a CELTA course (to become a qualified English teacher), as with that you can go live in Saudi.

      If you wish to do a CELTA, then have a look at this blog inshaaAllaah: http://www.theceltaroad.wordpress.com

  86. One more thing… If I may. Can you recommend someone edified in Islamic studies which will answer a few questions I have about our Deen? I have sent messages to a few Sheykhs/Imams and scholars in Britain and US but they never reply back… If you know of someone who most certainly will reply me back- please let me know. I would appreciate you providing me a link so I can contact him.

    Thank you!
    Salam wa’aleykum

  87. Alka Singh Says:

    I was a Hindu, recently 3 yr ago i converted to Islam, I don’t know much about it and i am keenly interested to know and learn about Islam so please kindly direct me right place in Riyadh where i can learn the Deen , Language English/Hindi

  88. SIster Seeking knowledge Bintou Ahmed Says:

    Asalamu Calaykum is there any news regarding University Of Madinah opening a women branch?

    Wabillahi Tawfiq

  89. Asw. I want my son, 13 years old, to learn Islamic Deen and become a Syekh one day. Is it possible for my son (him) to start study now? Jazakallah

  90. Assallamu alaykum,
    is there other programs in Middle east that teaches women similiar to the saudi one?

  91. The email-id doesn’t exist, the email gets rejected everytime! :/

  92. The email gets rejected, please provide me with the correct address.

  93. Dr.Aroos Says:

    Assalamu alikum varahmathullah vabarakathuhu.
    ana aroos, thureedhu binthi anthadhurusa dheenulislam fi JAMIAH UM ALQURA.
    hal thajoozu anthadhurusa fis sanah 19?

    jazaka allah kaira

  94. Dr.Aroos Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum.
    iam Bushra. iam in srilanka.
    i want to studuy at UM ALQURA univrsity. can i atten in 19 year?
    pleas tell me about it.
    iam waiting for it.

  95. Igshaan Says:

    Asalaamu alaikum

    What is the youngest required age for girls studying in the kingdom , I work in Saudi aswell as their father?

  96. Assalamu alaikum
    I am hudha fathima i would like to study islam
    And quran . It’s my digest goal
    Now i have 18 years but i have no maharam

  97. Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
    I am 18 years old living in Riyadh with my parents and i wish to study in the madinah university BidhniAllah. So can I Join??and if I can can you please tell me the details..
    May Allah reward you for your deeds to the fullest..Aameeen

  98. Aisha Ahmed Says:

    Assalamu Alaikum, I am Muslim girl and 15 years old. I will be graduating from my high school in America in the summer of 2014. Is there a women’s facility built yet in The Medina University? If not, what University do you highly recommend for me as I am trying to learn Islam in the best way. Thank you!

  99. Aisha Ahmed Says:

    Asalamu Alaukym, please answer my above question, as this is an emergency. My brother will also be applying to the Islamic University of Medina, so he is my mahram. I heard they made a facility for sister who desire to go to this uni is this true as I am REALLY serious about attending this university. PLEASE RESPOND ASAP.

  100. Asaalamualikum warahmatulahi wabarakahtu..
    I just want to find out if its okay for me to go with my brother then he leaves me and I stay on my own. I have been trying to go overseas for a while. I either want to study or work there. My intention is both, whatever Allah has planned for me InshaAllah. I have also completed TEFL course which I hope will help me out. Please let me know as I know its not permissible for a sister to travel on her own, but to be honest I cannot bare to stay in London anymore. SubhanAllah..
    May Allah Reward you.
    Jazakallahu khairan !

  101. umm Muhammad Says:

    Assalamu alaikum .Every time I try to appeal or ask a question it doesn’t work. Means I don’t get a reply. There are emails coming in my inbox but I can see them . Every time I can see the introduction page subhanALLAH!! Don’t know why? Plz email me separately if possible. May ALLAH reward u for what u doing. And may ALLAH accept it from u too. Jazakallah khayran.

  102. Asalamu aleykum

    Can you tell me if there is any scholarship been offered for children to go and study the deen in Saudi please. Shukram

  103. aslamu alykum wrahmatullah wabraktuhu
    i want to go madina university if i apply how long it will take???

  104. Asalamualaiykum wa rahmatullah! I have a little brother who recently became hafiz of the Quran, my dad wants to send him to Mecca or Madinah to continue his studies. he’s only 12 now, is it strange for a 13/14 year old boy studing at these universities? would I be able to use him as a mahram in applying for Umm al Qura as he’s my only mahram available?

  105. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu! I am presently studying in 12th std & i am 18 years old I really wish to study in Madinah university, when is girls section opening . Jazak Allah

  106. Salaamu alaykum brother,

    If a student of islamic university of madeenah has two wifes, can he make iqaamah for both of them or just for one of them?

  107. Mrs umer Says:

    Asalamu alikum I have done Msc physics and I need a job in riyadh saudi Arabia because my husband is working in riyadh thats why I need a job if you can help in this regard kindly inform me.waiting for your kind reply thanks

  108. Asak, wat about those women who r 40 yrs old & don’t have mahram but have son 10 yr old…….can such person study or do job? do they provide accommodation with kids?

  109. What if you don’t have a mahram? I am the only person in my family that is Muslim.

  110. If a woman doesn’t have a mahram can she be appointed one from over there in Saudi again I am the only one in my family that is Muslim I am from America and I really want to studt my Deen

  111. I want to live in makkah . how this is possible?

  112. Assalamu alaykum, I’m 31 yrs old a sister, married alhamdulillah and have lived in Madinah Saudi for 1 year. I have three children. I want to study deen living in Australia now but will be moving back to Madinah Saudi. Is there any chances for me to study Islam? Where in Madinah can I study?Can I study if I’m 31 or is that age too old? I really want yo study is there anything available for me? How about in masjid nabawwi?

  113. Halimah saadia Says:

    Assalamu alaykum, my name is Cassandra (Halimah Saadia),I’m 22 years old and reverted 2 years ago alhamdulillah. I’m in Australia and would very much appreciate any information I can get regarding a scholarship to study in Madinah and how long approximately it will take to go through the waiting process etc any information is very much appreciated jazakAllah Khair. Cassandraavis@hotmail.com

  114. Salam,
    Inshallah I am looking to apply to teach English in Saudi. I’m a qualified teacher with tefl biithnillah. Whilst I will be in Saudi for working my underlying premise is to learn arabic/memorise Quran/ learn the deen. I want to dedicate my life to this inshallah. I was wondering where are the best centres for starting my learning journey; bearing
    In my mind I will be working so will need flexible classes to learn. Is madinah a better place to learn or Riyadh? I have a choice for either applying for madinah or Riyadh.
    Any information much appreciated.

  115. I want to live in medina please can anyone help with some information

    • As salamu alaikum

      Sisters can study and live in saudi arabia by marrying brothers who are studying here. Message me for more information.

      • و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته
        how do sisters get married to brothers who are students in saudi ?

        • Salaam sisters ,
          I came her to read about the options my wife could have,. I read your comment and I must say…..
          Be very carful inshallah use your mahram, if your a revert and have no mahram use some trusted in your community double check this person, and pray the guidance pray, of course pray 1st,
          I only say this as my wife’s cousin had problems she did go thru a imam who was trusted he advised her not to marry the brother as they didn’t know him, she married anyway her uncle none practicing gave her away( another issue) then this so call muslim husband this foolish man left Islam said it wasn’t for him etc, leaving the sister in another country, to be fair I think he was ordered by the imam to get his wife but she declined this offer as he told his Islam is not for him the imam didn’t know this at the time, by the mercy of Allah swt she was helped by other Muslims sisters and the imam of that community to come back,
          Mashallah this is only a short story in order to help or inform sisters ..reverts or born muslim , the sister herself She was very much in her deed reads Quran , wears niqab, she wanted to marry as she was young 24 and wanted to do the right thing in order to please Allah swt, etc to pray and wait mashallah this sister is now married, from what I hear he is a pious brother she is happy and that I can confirm. She still is very much into her religion May Allah bless us with the ability to use the knowledge of the Quran in are day to day lives with great understanding Amin.
          I’m sorry if my words have offended anyone, as their May we’ll me genuine help here for marriage.
          As Salaam walakum

  116. Assalamu Alaikum,

    I live in Canada with my husband. I am very much interested in studying Arabic and Islam from KSA Universities. Are there any online courses available from these universities?

    JazakAllah Khair.

  117. bintu ahmad Says:

    My name is naadhirah and im.from.spore…
    May i ask few Q…
    Do uni madinah or mekkah has only for talaqqi with the shikhah there..
    As im now looking for a shikhah their for only talaqqi as my mahram will be studying in uni madinah insyaallah

  118. Assalaamu Alaikum,

    Jazak Allahu khairan!

    I am a divorced, mature woman of 60 years of age. I currently study tajweed with a qualified teacher. And, I am progressing quickly by his assessment.

    My children are all grown and my health is good. And, owing to a consistent physical fitness regimen, I am in great physical shape.

    Do you think my age would present a hindrance to my admission? And, at my age, would I be required to have a husband in order to travel there for study?

    May Allah (swt) bless you for your diligence.

    Sister Pam

  119. Assalamo alykum. Meri choti bhn ne aalima ka cours kiya h wo saudia me job krna chahti he
    Plz can u tell me about some madrsa in which she will do

  120. Rana hameed Says:

    Assalamualikum,iam from Hyderabad-india i want to join umm al Qura university, I am not a married women,24 yrs of age. Will I get admission in it or any other university,please help me regarding this

  121. I want to ask that can any single female do job in Saudia without mahrram… I want to do; so please tell me in details thanks

    • السلام عليكم
      I live in Mecca and I work and I want to marry a girl who wants to learn the religion of الله and the reason for marriage is to learn the true religion
      And I’m learning English Language
      It does not matter your nationality
      I wanted all sonat allah wa rasoulh( على سنة الله ورسوله ) and stay and live in Mecca

  122. Assalam alaikum Brother
    very helpful info. Do include if possible a list of Ma’ahads or institutes imparting excellent Islamic education, sometimes excelling universities I might say. I was studying at معهد العلم الأعلى لاستعداد المعلمات القرآن والسنة in Jeddah which offers an intense 3 year Uloom ash Shariah diploma course for ladies fluent in Arabic. The famous teacher Ustadha Anahid teaches there.
    There is an alternate جاليات institute offering a two year Uloom ash shariah diploma course for non Arab ladies. Also a makkah university had a small ladies only campus in Jeddah providing Bachelors and Masters programs for ladies in Shariah.
    But I found the afore mentioned institutes to be much better.
    now however I have to shift to Riyadh and cannot find a similar institute here. If anyone has any information I would be obliged.
    Even a list of female scholars in each city would be very helpful.

  123. Afraa Fathima Says:

    Assalamu alykkum wa Rahamathulahi wabarakathuhu,
    I have a mahram who is residing in makkah. I sent my application form through post to umm Al qura university in Ramadan month . The application was sent back to me .What does it mean. Am I selected or rejected? My application and documents returned back as I sent itself there was no mark or change in it. How can I rectify to send the application.
    Jazak allahu Khair.

  124. afsha khan Says:

    I am very interested to live in saudi arabia but my father my mahram is 65 yrs old i wanna ask that he could get a job or not

    • Muslimah Says:

      Aslaam u alaikum. Please help me. I am interested to hifz the Quran. Am so much interested in Islamic studies but my parents is not agree with me. My father is not help me to am going madrisa for hifz the Quran. What can I do. My brother is also hifz the Quran in madrisa of Riyadh. Please any Islamic lady or Islamic brother have knowledge about Islam. Give me any advise. what can I do. You know any madrisa for girls in Riyadh to hifz the quran

  125. Assalam alakum I am interested to study in this Quranic school am not educated in the Quran so that’s why ami am looking for scholarship

  126. Zaibunisa khan Says:

    I have a mehram but he left me and I want to learn Deen in Saudi Arabia in Madina but I don’t have single Paise with me so plz help me

  127. Ashfak A. Karnad Says:

    I wanted to join my wife and daughters to study Islamic.

  128. is there a full time hifz place for women

  129. mohamed kamil Says:

    Assalamu alaikum r wb

    I am Mohamed kamil, currently 25 yr old working in Singapore.

    willing to become Islamic scholar in madina. please guide.

  130. as salamu alaikum wa rahmatulillahi wa barakatu
    my dream is to become an islamic scholar. i have no mahram in saudi arabia nor having any mahram willing to come . i dont know if there is any possibilty of me studying in ummul qurra university or any good islamic university.

  131. AHMAD ALima Says:


  132. Assalam alaikum, I’m Humaira(Varsha) and I have converted Islam after deep study of all the religion. I offer namaz, keep fast all the ritual things iam doing and also I have done MA in Islamic studies. But I wanna do more like wanna learn Arabic, Urdu and do Mpl Phil or PhD in same subjects so that I can serve for islam . pls help me in getting admission in Madina university and tell me the procedure. Pls mail me or cont me this no 8802180608, vsnai92@gmail.com will eagerly waiting for your reply. Shukran..

  133. GOUHAR AFSHAN Says:

    I want to take admission in post graduate in mathematics in women’s university in mecca and madina in the year 2017-18. Kindly give the details of admission procedure.

  134. kisuule Muhammad khassim Says:

    Assalaaam alykum..
    Am a student in madinah university, please how can I apply for my wife to also come and study deen/anything. I don’t mind where she’s studying from as long as she is in Saudi as me too. So please may u guide me in this.


  135. Kabeer Aboobacker Says:

    Assalamualikum. My name Kabeer Aboobacker
    I am working yanbu. One of my friend daughter
    Studying Quran learning course ( by heart course)
    She started course now 6 month Alhamdulillah now
    6 juz finished. She like studying madeena University
    It’s possible? If possible what document required.

  136. Asslamu Alikom Wa Rahmatullah w barkaatu

    I am a Saudi man lives in Madinah Munawarrah if anyone wants any information about Islamic university of Madinah or anything about my city Madinah email me on
    ( a.alqurafi1@gmail.com )

  137. Shafaque Says:

    Asslam Alaikum ,Jazak Allahu Khairn Kasirn Wa Minhu Jidda . As my Brother Allah Rbbul Ezzt Bless U in both Duniya n Aakhira Ameen.

  138. Seerat Nissar Says:

    I am a single female and have b.sc degree in non medical I wanted to join Umm Al-Qura university.I am single and don’t have brother.My father can’t come with me to saudi arabia.I am from India.what should I do.Please help

  139. Aarifa-Tul-Urooj Says:

    I want to memorize quraan there in masjide nabavi or haram makki…whta should i do to apply…from Pakistan

  140. Rashid imam Says:

    Dear sir.
    I have my doughter she is 4 year old. I want to make quran hafiz.and islamic study.
    Can you help me.any islamic shool in jubail industry city
    We are from India.

  141. usman khan Says:

    What is maximum age limit for a female studient.

  142. Nasreen Says:

    Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa baraqatu.
    Can you please let me know that if a 20 year old get enrolled at Makkah University and mahram is present during the admission. So is there a condition that the mahram should be present throughout the courses or the women can stay in hostel for courses without a mahram.

  143. shafiya Says:

    assalarmu alikum…. i am sri Lankan. i want to do university in madinah . i am girl. i am 17 years old. can you explain how to come there ..?? any exam and scholarships.. are available there..??

  144. Miss Sadiq Says:

    Salaam, I am interested in the course. Please can you guide me how to go about it. I am from Pakistan.

  145. any such options in oman ??

  146. Salaam Eleichum W R7matullah

    What are the options for a single woman to do only Quraan memorization (Tahfeeth) in Saudi and she does not have a Mahram or any legal Gurdian?

  147. هدى بنت مهراج Says:

    Are there any other universities in madina for deen studies ?

  148. Assalaam ‘alaykum warahmatuLLaahi wa barakatuh. AlhamduliLLaah, all praises are due to ALLaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta’aalaa) JazaakaLLaahu Ghayran Brother! I’m a Muslim women and I’m looking forward to studying in Madinah(May ALLaah make it easy for me). You said that the college for female to study Islamic course will be opened soon Inshaa ALLaah by the Islamic university of Madinah , if I may ask ,perhaps which year ,by the will of Allaah can it be opened?

  149. Is there any age limit to get enrolled and do we have to be fluent in Arabic.

  150. Assalamu alaikum
    I will be working in Madina as a female nurse soon , is Madina Islamic University already accepting female students,??
    If not where would be the possible other option for me to enroll in Madina?
    And I also don’t have any mahram n Saudi ,
    Can you please help me with this ?
    Jaazakallahu khair

  151. Mariam Mehrzad Says:

    So is there any possibility for a single female student to enter the country and study at a university in the department of education/ Islamic studies without a male Mahram being present in Saudi Arabia if her mahram gives her a letter of consent to do so?

  152. Asalamualaikum warahmathullahi wabarakahthu ,please can you email me as i need more information on how I can go to study in madinah.
    In sha Allah

    Jazka Allah khairen

  153. Anesa Kabir Says:

    Is there any other University that doesn’t require for me to apply with a mahram because I don’t have a mahram except for my father and my little brother Who is way too young and they’re not able to enroll at a university, My father has to stay here with my mom and siblings. It’s just me who wants to go to an Islamic University, learn the book of Allah and return back home, every time I get off my father will pick me up/ drop me off.

  154. Tajelli Altaf Says:

    Asalamalaikum warehmatullahi wabarkaatuhu
    My name is Tajelli Altaf I want to come there to learn about Islam please guide me what can I do to get admission

  155. Assalaamu alaykum. JazakAllahul khair for this information.pls can you guide me on how to apply for masters scholarship in Saudi especially Umm Qurah for me and my husband. We are from Nigeria. thanks.
    I studied civil engineering and he studied Agriculture. Actually I would like to study Islamic related course

  156. Sanober Farrukh Says:

    I want to do a course but I have a son of 9 years old who is doing his hifz and I Don’t have any mehram in saudia, my whole family and husband is in Pakistan please help me what is suitable for me

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