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Fiqh-Us-Sunnah Notes, Janaa’iz (Funerals), Ch. 7: Washing A Dead Body

Posted in Fiqh-Us-Sunnah Classes with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 10, 2010 by TheAuthenticBase

Fiqh-Us-Sunnah, Volume 4, Janaa’iz (Funerals)

CHAPTER 7: Washing A Dead Body

{{NOTE: Please note that all my notes from my study circle/class are between these double-curly brackets in italic. }}

CHAPTER 7a: Washing A Dead Body

{{NOTE: The following is needed when washing the deceased:

a) Scissors

b) Gloves

c) Sponge

d) Non-alcoholic perfume

e) Warm water

f) Bucket

g) Soap/shampoo

h) Cotton wool (whenever needed)

i) Assistance (at least one)

j) Three Towels

– One for covering the deceased’s awrah
– One before doing the last ghusl with perfume
– One for whole body drying

k) 3 White sheets – approx. 2.5m by 75cm

l) Four straps to tie the kafan


The entire body must be washed with water, at least once {{NOTE: Not once, it is a sunnah to wash it at least thrice. If you want to do it more than that, you can wash it 3 or 5 or 7 times, as per necessity (B1254).}}, regardless of whether the deceased is a male and needed a ritual bath {{NOTE: Janaabah}}, or a female who was menstruating at the time (of her death). It is recommended {{NOTE: No proof to say it is recommended.}} that the body be placed on an elevated surface i.e., a table or a board {{NOTE: Again, there is no proof from a hadeeth for this, because here you could basically go on forever, i.e., it’s recommended to switch the light of the room on, to know what you’re doing, to not take your time etc. An elevated surface is for the person (who is washing) to decide for himself, for example, he may have a back problem. }}. It then should be stripped of clothes {{NOTE: Wherever it is possible. I.e., not if his clothes are burnt onto his skin}}, but his ‘awra (private parts) should be covered {{NOTE: Except for husband and wife or when it is a small child.}} {{NOTE: Only the Prophet (saw) was washed with his clothes on (order from Allaah).}}. (Ash-Shafi’i says that it is better to wash the body of the deceased wearing a shirt, if it is thin enough to let water reach the body. The Prophet, peace be upon him, was washed this way, but it was done only in his case. The common practice has been to cover the ‘awra and wash the body) At the washing, only people whose presence is needed may stay.

The washer, male or female {{NOTE: Men wash the men and women wash the women. The only exception, as said above, is when a husband washes his wife and when a wife washes her husband, and also a woman washing a small boy (is an exception to the rule)}}, must be a trustworthy and pious person who will not broadcast what he or she might see except what is good.

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