Archive for the Additional Info On Islamic Universities Category

How To Get Accepted Into Madeenah Uni

Posted in Additional Info On Islamic Universities with tags , , , , , , , , , , on May 10, 2010 by TheAuthenticBase

[Written by brother Khaldun – A crurrent student enrolled at Madeenah University]

Now there is no simple answer or way to this, as muslims we believe in the Qadr of Allah. If it is written for you it will happen and if not then do not be sad about it.
Disclaimer! Please remember this is in no way a promise, even if you did implement these things it does not guarantee your acceptance.

1. Sincerity

Ask yourself, why do you want to go to Madeenah and study? Is it to become someone? To make a name for yourself? Most of you might say of course not, but then ask yourself, are you actively seeking knowledge where you are now? If not, what makes you think you will do so in Madeenah?

2. Du’aa from the Parents

This is very important, yet we see a lot of people wasting this opportunity. They might feel shy etc. Be kind to your parents and ask them to make du’aa for you, remind them constantly. The Prophet told us that the du’aa of the parent is always accepted so make the most of it.

When I applied to the uni, my father took me to his father all the way in Somalia, now my grandfather is a bedouin about 90 years old, so when we came there my father entered my grandfathers little hut explaining to him that I wanted to go to the city of the Prophet and learn the Qur’aan and the Sunnah, afterwards I was called in and my grandfather made a lot of du’aa for me.

The point is, try to get du’aa from your parents, uncles, even righteous (living) people in general.

3. Know someone here

When applying, try to come here in person have all your papers ready, if possible try to get a senior student to go with you into the office and by senior I mean a doctor or the likes of it.

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