Archive for Knowledge

Knowledge Based Jihaad, By Ibn Al-Qayyim

Posted in 'Aqeedah, Biddah / Innovation, Knowledge, Methodology Of The Salaf with tags , , , , , , on February 10, 2014 by TheAuthenticBase

While speaking about some of the people of Rhetoric (Ahlul Kalaam) who deny Allaah’s Attributes, Ibn Al-Qayyim said:

“How great a trial against Eemaan was this and its likes! And how great a crime this is against the sunnah and the Quraan! And how beloved to The Most Merciful in making jihaad against it with the heart, hand and tongue! And how heavy is the reward of that jihaad upon the scales.

Jihaad by way of knowledge-based arguments and the tongue takes precedence over jihaad by way of the sword and spears. This is why in the soorahs revealed in makkah, Allaah ordered this type of jihaad to be carried out in the form of warning and admonishing, such that there was no mention of jihaad by the hand. Allaah says:

So do not obey the disbelievers, and wage jihaad with the utmost strength against them with it (the Quraan).” [25:52]

So jihaad by way of knowledge and arguments is the jihaad of His Prophets, Messengers and the elite few amongst His servants particularized with guidance, success and bounty. And whoever dies without having fought or without having spoken to himself about fighting, he dies upon a branch of hypocrisy.”

[See the explanation of “Al-Qaseedah An-Nooniyyah” by Sh. Muhammad Khaleel Harraas, 1/8]

Quotes From The Salaf On Knowledge

Posted in Knowledge with tags , , , on January 1, 2014 by TheAuthenticBase

Fudayl Ibn ‘Iyyaad stated:

“The scholar who acts in accordance with his knowledge and teaches has an immense station in the Kingdom of Heaven.”

[Tirmidhee, in his sunan in “Kitaab Al-‘Ilm Baab Fadul Fiqh ‘Alal ‘Ibaadah”]

Ayyoob Ibn Al-Quryah said:

“The Sharee’ah is the religion of the intelligent and mild manners; and forbearance is his nature; and good opinion is his natural disposition.”

[Jaami Bayaan Al-‘Ilm Wa Fadhlihi, 1/46]

O Student Of Knowledge, Take Heed! By Bin Baaz

Posted in Knowledge with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 12, 2013 by TheAuthenticBase

“The student of knowledge should take great care about being lazy about what Allaah has made obligatory and from falling into that which He has forbidden – for others will follow him in it. Likewise, he should not be neglectful of the Sunnah and the makroohaat. If he becomes lazy, others will also become lazy.

It is important that he takes care in reviving the Sunnah even though a particular act may not be compulsory, in order to encourage the people to follow it, and to be an example for them. He (the student of knowledge) must keep away from the makroohaat and doubtful matters so that the people do not imitate him.”

[Al-‘Ilm Wa Akhlaaqu Ahlih [Knowledge And The Characteristic Of Its People], By Bin Baaz, pp. 20-21]

The Importance Of The Scholars, By Al-Aajuree

Posted in Knowledge with tags , , , , on October 2, 2013 by TheAuthenticBase

Muhammad Ibn Hasan Al-Aajuree has stated:

“What do you think, may Allaah bestow mercy upon you, about a roadway that has many harmful objects therein, of which the people are in need of traversing upon it on a pitch black night?

If there is no light then they will become bewildered and confused. Consequently, Allaah ordained lamps for them to illuminate the path for them so that they may traverse it with security and safety. Then different degrees of people came whom it was imperative for them to traverse upon it (this path) so they did so. In the midst of this, the lamps were extinguished, so they remained in darkness. Therefore, what do you think about them?

This is how the scholars are concerning the people. Many of the people do not know how to practice the obligations, or how to abstain form the prohibitions, or how to worship Allaah in every aspect of how the creation worships Him except by the preservation of the scholars.

When the scholar dies, the people become confused, they study knowledge after their (scholars’) death and ignorance becomes prevalent. Therefore, to Allaah we belong and to Him we shall return. It is a calamity, and there is no greater calamity than it.”

[“Akhlaaqul ‘Ulamaa” by Al-Aajuree, Pp. 28-29]

Acting Upon Knowledge

Posted in Knowledge with tags , , , , , on June 1, 2013 by TheAuthenticBase

Abu Dardaa said:

“Woe one time to he who does not know and acts! And woe seven times to he who knows and does not act upon his knowledge!”

[Hilyat Al-Awliyaa’, 1/211]

Recognising A Scholar, By Bin Baaz

Posted in Knowledge with tags , , , , , , , , on May 13, 2013 by TheAuthenticBase

“A scholar is recognise by his perseverance  his taqwaa and his fear of Allaah, striving to what Allaah has made obligatory and keeping well away from what Allaah and His Messenger (saw) have forbidden.

These are the characteristics of a scholar, whether he is a teacher, a judge, a daa’eeyah, or holds any other position. He is obligated to be an example and a model in righteousness; he acts upon his knowledge; has taqwaa of Allaah wherever he may be; and he guides the people to good.

He is a good example for his students, members of his family, neighbours and other who know him.”

[Al-‘Ilm Wa Akhlaaqu Ahlih [Knowledge And The Characteristic Of Its People], By Bin Baaz, p. 20]

The Virtues Of A Scholar, By Bin Baaz

Posted in Knowledge with tags , , , , on April 7, 2013 by TheAuthenticBase

“The scholars who disseminated the knowledge are the chosen people and the best of people on the face of the earth. At the head of them are the Prophets and the Messengers. They are the prime example to be followed, the foundation of the da’wah, knowledge and excellence. After them are the people of knowledge at different levels: the person who is most knowledgeable with regards to Allaah, His names, His attributes and the most perfect in action and da’wah, is the closest of people to the Prophets with respect to their status and position in Paradise.

The people of knowledge are the leaders of the earth; they are the lights and lamps; they have been preferred above everyone else, they direct the people to the way of happiness, they guide them to the means of salvation, they lead them to that which pleases Allaah (swt), and to His Mercy and keep them far from that which evokes His Anger and punishment.

The scholars are the heirs of the Prophets; Imaams of the people after the Prophets; they guide and direct the people to Allaah (swt) and teach them His Deen.”

[Al-‘Ilm Wa Akhlaaqu Ahlih [Knowledge And The Characteristic Of Its People], By Bin Baaz, p. 15]

Advice To Students Of Knowledge, By Bin Baaz

Posted in Knowledge with tags , , , , , , , on March 4, 2013 by TheAuthenticBase

“O slave of Allaah! O student of knowledge! It is upon you to be sincere in your worship, intending it solely for Allaah (swt). You must be serious and keen in seeking knowledge with perseverance  then act upon that which the knowledge necessitates, since what is required is implementation, and not that you become a scholar or achieve a high class degree.

Indeed the main purpose of seeking knowledge is that you act accordingly, guiding people towards good, consequently becoming the successors to the Prophets in calling people to the truth.”

[Al-‘Ilm Wa Akhlaaqu Ahlih [Knowledge And The Characteristic Of Its People], By Bin Baaz, p. 13]

The Inheritance Of The Prophets, By Ibn Al-Qayyim

Posted in Knowledge with tags , , , , , , , , on February 3, 2013 by TheAuthenticBase

The Prophet (saw) said:

“… Indeed the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets, for the prophets do not leave behind a deenaar or a dirham for inheritance, but rather they leave behind knowledge. So whoever takes hold of it has acquired a large share (of inheritance).” [Ahmad, Aboo Daawood and others]

Ibn Al-Qayyim said concerning this hadeeth:

“This is from the greatest virtues of the scholars, since the Prophets are the best of Allaah’s creation. So this means that their inheritors are the best of creation after them. (This is proven by the fact that) everyone that leaves behind inheritance has his property transfered over to his heirs, since they are the ones who will take his place after him. There is no one that will take the place of the messengers, in spreading what they were sent with after them, except the scholars. Therefore they are the ones who have the most right to receive their inheritance.

This indicates that the scholars are the closest people to the prophets, since inheritance is only passed down to those closest to the one leaving behind inheritance. So just as this is established when talking about monetary inheritance, likewise it applies to the prophetic inheritance…

[Additional benefit From The Hadeeth]

This hadeeth also contains guidance for the Ummah to obey them, respect them, have esteem for them, and honor them, since they are inheritors and successors of those who possess these rights over the Ummah (i.e. the prophets).

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Guidelines For A Scholar: Nurture Your Students, By Ibn Al-Qayyim

Posted in Knowledge with tags , , , , , , , on January 30, 2013 by TheAuthenticBase

Ibn Al-Qayyim mentions:

“There is also an indication in this hadeeth (1) for the scholars to abide by the guidance of the prophets and the methods they used in spreading the religion, such as patience, forbearance, confronting the revilement of the people with kindness, being gentle with them, drawing then towards Allaah through the best ways, and expending all kinds of efforts in advising them. For by doing this, they will achieve their share of this inheritance that is greater in status and honorable in significance.

This hadeeth also reminds the scholars to raise the Ummah just as a father brings up his child. So they should raise them up step by step, starting with the small forms of knowledge and then progressing onto the bigger forms of knowledge, imposing as much knowledge into them as they can, just as a father does with his infant child when he brings his meal to him.

This is because the souls of humans, with respect to the prophets and messengers, are just like children with respect to their fathers. Rather they fall short of this status by far. This is why every soul that is not cultivated by the messengers will not prosper and will not be made upright.”

[Miftaah Daar As-Sa’aadah, 1/261-262]

(1) The Prophet (saw) said: “…Indeed the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets, for the prophets do not leave behind a deenaar or a dirham for inheritance, but rather they leave behind knowledge. So whoever takes hold of it has acquired a large share (of inheritance).” [Ahmad, Aboo Daawood and others]

O Students Of Knowledge, Do Not Become Corrupted

Posted in Brothers Base, Knowledge with tags , , , , , , , , on January 27, 2013 by TheAuthenticBase

‘Abbaad Ibn ‘Abbaad Al-Khawwaas Ash-Shaamee (d. 114H) said:

“If only the monks and rabbis had not feared loosing their positions and corrupting their status, by establishing and clearly explaining the Book, they would not have twisted it and concealed it.

But when they contradicted the Book with their actions, they tried to deceive their people concerning what they were doing.

They feared that their own positions would be blackened and that their corruption would become clear to the people. So they twisted the explanations of the Book, and wherever they could not twist it, they concealed it.

Hence they stayed silent about what they were doing, in order to maintain and preserve their positions. And they stayed silent about what their people were doing, in order to flatter them and go along with them.”

[Ad-Daarimee, 1/160]